The AVG Database at iModeler

7 articles
  • Items tagged with AVG
  • 7 articles
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  • Last addition 10 months, 3 weeks ago

1/32 Curtiss P-40

This is my newly completed Curtiss P-40 Tomahawk. It is the Hobby Craft / Trumpeter kit. My first completed model for 2024. While researching this project online , I read many negative reviews of this kit because of various [...]

Revell 1/48 P-40b AVG Flying Tiger

I picked this up in the clearance section of Hobby Lobby for $4.99- Overall it was a smooth build with few problems. Given what I paid for it, I think I got the most out of this classic. I think from a shape perspective it looks just as [...]

GWH's 1/32 Curtis Hawk 81 A2 Flying Tiger

Like most of you out there I have always been fascinated and inspired by the exploits of the American Volunteer Group in China, The Fabled Flying Tigers. Their exploits have been immortalized in books and film and their impact was felt for [...]

Hell´s Angels…1/48 Curtiss Tomahawk Mk.IIb, American Volunteer Group

Built over 6 years ago. The "infamous" 1/48 Trumpeter At first my dad wanted to do a RAF North Africa a/c but during the build he decided that it should be a Flying Tiger. Found a nice scheme in Kagero´s P-40 Vol.I, the [...]

Hawk 81C, No 77, AVG 3rd Pursuit Squadron, Rangoon, Burma

I finally got around to completing a Hawk 81 (P-40C) of the Flying Tigers, because everybody needs one in their collection. This model is from the Hobbycraft HC 1451 "AVG" Tiger Shark kit which has accuracy issues with the [...]

Eye of the Tiger

I know…here we go again, here comes another stinking P-40, and a “Flying Tiger” one at that. But…Please bear with me. When I was a kid in the 1950’s, the “Flying Tigers”…the pilots of Claire Chennaults’s American [...]

1/32 Trumpeter P-40B in Pappy Boyington AVG Scheme

Model Details: Cutting Edge Resin Cockpit: This fixes the shallow cockpit which is a defective, design flaw within base kit. Eduard Resin Wheels and Tires: Kit tires have little to know detail Brass Gun Tubes Wire brake lines added Extra [...]