The Bf 109 Database at iModeler

534 articles
  • Items tagged with Bf 109
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  • Last addition 3 years, 7 months ago

Messerschmitt Bf 109

My collection of mini planes

My collection of mini tiger model planes. Lack the bf 109 very hard to find in France

田宮1/72梅塞施密特 Bf109 E-3

第一次嘗試使用相框製作的草皮地景,加上德國Bf109 E-3,再看起來順眼多了

1/32 Monogram ProModeler (Hasegawa) Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-4 Trop (Schwarze 1, Oblt. Franz Schiess)

This is my firs article on iModeler, so it's a great pleasure to share this few pics with all the distinguished members of this community! I can't remember exactly when I started this project, but it must have been in the early 2000s. It [...]

Spanish Civil War...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109A, 2.J/88 Legion Condor

Like the recently posted "6o30", also this model was built somewhere between 10 and 15 years ago. Hobbycraft kit, AFAIR my dad did some minor corrections to the nose or did some rescribing to get a more correct "A", [...]

Spanish Civil War...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109B, 2.J/88 Legion Condor

Built more than 10 years ago. Hobbycraft kit with resin nose from Classic Airframes, decals from Cutting Edge. Unteroffizier Willhelm Staege, 2.J/88 Legion Condor, Alar d'el Rey August 1937

That Eduard Emil

This is the Eduard Bf109E, done as an E-7 flown by JG-27 during Operation Marita, the Luftwaffe's foray into the Balkans in support of the ad hoc invasion of those countries by Germany. I built this one for two reasons, the first being [...]

Video: Bf109E Messerschmitt-Full video build NEW Special Hobby 1/72 scale

Special Hobby 1/72 scale Bf109E-3 Messerschmitt This kit will deliver a very well detailed and reasonably accurate Bf109E-3 model straight from the box. Highly recommended! DISCLAIMER: I am NOT! being paid to promote this kit, paints, [...]

Messerschmitt Bf109 G-4, 8/JG 53

Good day everybody, I would like to present you my latest build the ME 109 G-4 Trop. As usual every parts are coming from the box and no extra added except from 2 decals which are coming from microscale on the lower part of the wings, the [...]

Another 109

Here's another 109 for the group's consideration, this time with somewhat normal camouflage and markings. The real airplane was a JG 54 Me109G-6 in winter camouflage serving in the northern sector of the Eastern Front and pretty much a [...]

First Post

Hello to all! Jim Sullivan, a friend of many years, suggested that I join the group, so here I am! I've seen some great things on these electronic pages and hope I can make a contribution; this is my trial run. The model is Hasegawa's [...]