The Canberra Database at iModeler

16 articles
  • Items tagged with Canberra
  • 16 articles
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  • Last addition 1 year ago

English Electric Canberra

Buenos Aires: Museo Nacional de Aeronáutica

My wife and I enjoyed three delightful weeks in Argentina, December 2023. While in Buenos Aires, I made a point of visiting the Museo Nacional de Aeronáutica, dedicated to the history of the Argentine Air Force aka: Fuerza Aérea [...]

Martin B-57B Canberra

The kit, 1/48 by Classic Airframes, out of the box. Painted with Humbrol and Modelmaster. Thanks for looking

B-57B Canberra 1/48

First place on National Model contest in Mexico 2018

On This Day…June 1st

A series of well photographed Emil Bf 109E3 of 4.JG26. ‘W3+-‘ (WNr 779) was force landed in France on 1st June 1940. Pretty clear a lot of the infantry were intrigued and excited at the find. The ‘selfie generation was alive and [...]

On This Day…May 31st.

British Expeditionary Forces try to stand down after being evacuated from Dunkirk, May 31st, 1940. By the date alone, you can see where this story is heading to. US. Army Air Force Boeing B-17E Flying Fortress bombers of the 431st [...]

Very early RB-57E Patrica Lynn Canberra

Hello all, This is my attempt at producing an accurate 1/72 scale rendition on the RB-57E. For many years the Italeri B-57 was regarded as the best option but unfortunately the kit is deeply flawed, the issues are too many to go into here, [...]

Big Wing, 1/48 big build!

Hello all this is my first post, well sort of, I've already posted it in the Jet Age forum, so excuse the repeat. This is based on the 1/48 Airfix B-57 kit with quite a lot of scratch building, You can find my build log here, [...]

Airfix 1/48 Canberra B.2

The English Electric Canberra was developed by English Electric in response to a 1944 Air Ministry requirement for a successor to the wartime de Havilland Mosquito fast-bomber. This requirement, the initial revision being E.3/45, sought a [...]

Martin B 57B Canberra, 52-1590, The Black Knights 38th Bomb Wing USAFE Laon AFB France 1956.

1/72 Airfix, I modified a few things, pilot seats narrower, removed the hinges from all control surfaces, the tail-plane joints, engine jet-pipes and replaced some antennae, finished in MM and Humbrol enamels with Future over kit and other [...]

1/48 E.E. Canberra B.2

This is the recently reissued Airfix kit finished as a 1970s era Rhodesian example. It's a simple, straightforward kit to build. As it is a bit light in details, I installed an Eduard PE instrument panel and cockpit set, along with a [...]