The Corsair Database at iModeler

310 articles
  • Items tagged with Corsair
  • 310 articles
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  • Last addition 2 years, 9 months ago

Chance Vought F4U Corsair

1/48 Tamiya F4U-1 Birdcage Corsairlittle to no weathering

This is my second attempt to build a Corsair, I tried something new to me: highlighting with the airbrush. Started from a black base, kept the paint inside the panels as tight as possible along the panel lines, than added some tan to the [...]

Tamiya F4U-1A, 1/48. Silver Sally.

This is a build I started a few months ago as a side project and have slowly got round to finishing this last week. When I was researching for a previous Corsair build I came across this very unique one off scheme and knew I had to add it [...]

1/48 F4U-1A Corsair by Tamiya

Done! Good kit. Old but good by Tamiya. I got it for about 5 USD with a yellowish decal. I’ve learnt so much on this build! First of all, this is my 1st build on a WWII fighter jet/aircraft. I gotta say the weathering progress is [...]

F4U-5 Hasegawa/Revell-Germany

Here's my build of the very nice Hasegawa F4U-5 in the kit supplied markings of VF-14 Top Hats. Essentially out of the box with Model Master Glossy Sea Blue and a top coat of 50/50 Mr. Color Semi-gloss and gloss. I added just a bit of [...]

Tamiya 1/48 F4U-1 Birdcage Corsair - Ken Walsh

Ken Walsh was the first Corsair Ace while serving with VMF-124 arriving on Guadalcanal in February 1943. Walsh claimed his first three Japanese planes on 1 April 1943 and two more in his next combat action, 13 May 1943. Walsh brought his [...]

South Pacific Corsair

This model represents the "Spirit of 76" flown by Major Robert G. Owens, USMC with Marine squadron VMF-215. This aircraft was the first to arrive at the newly captured airfield at Munda, New Georgia in the Solomon Islands where [...]

Classic Kit: Airfix 1/72 Vought F4U Corsair No. 115 1964

This is an older build but I did document the building process. I had spare parts from Hasegawa and True Details that I used to add detail. I used a Squadron vac-form canopy as well. As can be seen the clear parts are dismal as is the [...]

Tamiya 1/72 F4U-1D Corsair

Hello iModeler! It's been a while... I hope all is well with each and every one of you. Today, I want to show you this Tamiya 1/72 F4U-1D Corsair. This kit, in case you arent aware of the Tamiya Corsairs, is another benchmark kit. Fit was [...]

Guerre d'Algérie...1/48 Vought F4U-7 Corsair, Aviation Navale

After the P-40K, my dad has already finished the next bird in 2022. Revell boxing of the Hasegawa F4U-7 kit, decals from MDC(Model Design Constructions) and the kit, wheels from Reskit, camo done with Gunze H54 Navy Blue mixed with a touch [...]


JUST finished in time for Christmas, ( and the start of my Revell 1:32nd Tornado). My son purchased this kit about a month ago, (along with a 350th Bismarck) and asked me to help him. This usually means "Can you do it for me [...]