The F4F Database at iModeler

127 articles
  • Items tagged with F4F
  • 127 articles
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  • Last addition 2 years, 11 months ago

Grumman F4F Wildcat

Classic Kit: Revell 1/72 F4F-4 Wildcat No. H-639 1961

The model was part of Revell's 1/72 series of WW1 and WWII fighters issued in the early 1960s. I learned about the exploits of Wildcats at Wake Island in the 5th grade and I had to build a model of it. This kit was later issued in a 3 [...]

80 Years Ago: "I Knew My Plans Had Changed"

The flight deck of USS Enterprise (CV-6) echoed with the command over the loudspeaker from the bridge: “Pilots! Man your planes!” Thirty-one year old Lieutenant Richard H. “Dick” Best Jr., operations officer of Bombing-Six, watched [...]

Airfix 1/72 Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat

Airfix 1/72 Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat. Depicts the machine flown by LT. Marion Carl, USMC, Guadalcanal 1942. This is a gem of a kit. Built out of the box, with wine bottle lead seat harness & radio aerial is UVDR fine. Painted with Tamiya [...]

F4F-3 Wildcat F-5, Coral Sea, USS Lexington. Academy 1/72

This is the aircraft of Lt. Noel Gayler, one of the pilots of VF-3 that transferred to VF-2 on the Lexington. Gayler had claimed two kills and two partial/shared kills before the battle of the Coral Sea, and had dropped 30lb bombs on a [...]

Flying Leathernecks/Eyes in the Sky…1/48 Grumman F4F-3P Wildcat, VMO-251, USMC

And my dad has finished the next one. Hobby Boss F4F-3 (late) kit with Superscale decals. The wing walkway decals came from the sparesbox. The kit and also the Superscale star decdals for the wings were to small, took suiting decals from a [...]

1/72 Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat – Airfix New Mold

This build has a story. In 1992 I attended the “1942: Issue in Doubt” symposium by the Admiral Nimitz Museum (now the National Museum of the Pacific War). Featured speakers at the event included several pilots who had fought at the [...]

F4F. The wild Cat from the Henderson Field.

Helo. White MF-1, flown by Captain Robert E. Galer, Commander of VFM-224, Henderson Field , Guadalcanal, New Caledonia, September 1942. This is the not bad/not good 1/48 Wildcat from Trumpeter. Build oob. Gunze MR.Color lacquer paints and [...]

RIP Dave Schemel

Sad to learn that Dave Schemel passed on December 1, from complications of Covid-19. I'd lost track of him, then we re-established contact last year, but I hadn't heard anything from him since last summer. Great guy, great modeler, a [...]

FM-2 Wildcat (Arma Hobby 1/72)

Again this is a new model kit of a Polish manufacturer Arma Hobby, released in May this year (2020). FM-2 kit is the first variant of the F4F's, and more to come - the clear sprue contains fuselage windows not needed for this GM-built [...]

1/48 Hobby Boss F4F-3 Wildcat – the first Navy plane to score a kill in WWII

The Hobby Boss 1/48 F4F Wildcat series are good kits that come close to being great, but don't quite make it. I I built the F4F-3 'early version', which I converted to an F4F-3A. Highlights are good surface detail, a two-piece canopy, [...]