Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat Early War Tamiya 1/48

February 3, 2022 · in Aviation · · 13 · 1.3K

Not perfect,but good enough for the shelves...hope you like it.

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

14 additional images. Click to enlarge.

13 responses

  1. Clean and crisp, looks great. I've got that kit waiting to be built.

  2. An excellent result, Marcus @mvtb
    Very nice paintwork.
    It was a pleasure to follow your thread.

  3. Looks fantastic, Marcus!

  4. Well done Sir! Very clean built.

  5. Nice job, it's a great looking Wildcat!

  6. Oh, very nice work Marcus! Thanks for sharing! ?

  7. Great build, Marcus. The Tamiya kit is still a little gem and you have got the most out of it. I am inspired to get my 32nd Trumpeter kit done. Hard to beat the amazingly fine raised rivets of Tamiya's 1/48th version. Nice photography, BTW - really brings out the detail.

  8. Nice clean build - well done!

  9. Nice work. That kit is still a treat after almost three decades.

  10. Terrific looking Marcus @mvtb. Looks like you have lots of projects going on judging by the background!

  11. A wild looking Wildcat!

  12. Great Work! Very nice painting. Stripes was painted or it was decal?

  13. Thank you all for your kind comments,and Lis,it had to be painted,for those stripes decals ainĀ“t trusty at all...

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