The F4U Database at iModeler

248 articles
  • Items tagged with F4U
  • 248 articles
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  • Last addition 4 years, 5 months ago

Chance Vought F4U Corsair

Review: Quinta Studios 1/48 P-38F Interior Detail Set For The Tamiya Kit

As I was finally getting around to get started on the fairly new Tamiya P-38F/G Lightning. It's amazing it has been out for over a year. I have been building Tamiya kits in order that starting with Ki-84 Hayate Frank way back in 1992. [...]

1/48 Tamiya F4U-1D VMF-211 Leyte , Pillipians 1945

Finihsed with Fundekals , Mr color paints and Mig washes . The long range P-38 fuel tank is from the Tamiya P-47M kit . Enjoy 🙂 120131881_756544768531655_352088454918654786_n by b007scott, on [...]

Fernando Soto's F4U-5NL (Hasegawa 1/48

Fernando Soto's Corsair, done back in 2003 with the Hasegawa 1/48 F4U-5N kit A little-known fact of Corsair operations is that of the six air forces that flew the type operationally, two used their Corsairs against each other in the last [...]


After I messed up on the wing constitution, I decided to add some heavy weathering to the plane to try to cover up some of the extensive amount of super glue that I used.

PTO/VJ Day: Remembering Ike Kepford

I may as well jump in on this bandwagon honoring the 75th anniversary of VJ Day that marked the end of fighting in the PTO. Here's my tribute to Ike Kepford who was the Navy's highest scoring WWII F4U ace with 16 victories. I built this [...]

1/32 Tamiya F4U-1D

My recently completed Corsair with a few extras added. Unfortunately the aerial rigging got washed out in the photo, but it's there. This was a wonderful model to build.

1/48th Hasegawa F4U-5N

This is my second build in conjunction with Louis Gardner's Korean War group build. It's a F4U-5N Night Fighter in the markings of VC-3. The Hasegawa kit was nicely engineered with the exception of the engine cowling mating to the forward [...]

Tamiya F4U-1 Birdcage Corsair 1/48 Scale

When Tamiya came out with their excellent Corsair, I had to jump at the chance to build one. Of coarse this led to another and another, and so on. You know how that is ! Plenty has been said about the kit, over the last few years so I'll [...]

Revell 1/48 Corsair F4U-4, VMF-214 Black Sheep July, 1951

This time I present a model of which the sprues are even older than I am. It is the Corsair F4U-4 (1/48) from Revell dated 1963. The model represents a plane from VMF-214 Black Sheep squadron in July 1951. Got this model from my daughter [...]

1/48th Monogram F9F-5 Panther

Here's my first offering for the Korean War group build. It's the good ole Monogram 1/48th F9F-5 Panther done in the markings of VF-51 which flew off the USS Valley Forge off Korea in 1953. The build was smooth with the exception of [...]