The Jim Sullivan Database at iModeler

5 articles
  • Items tagged with Jim Sullivan
  • 5 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 1 year, 4 months ago

JIm Sullivan.... Author, photographer, gentleman, friend

While I didn't know him other than from the contact on this sight, I feel that i knew him enough to call him such. After discussing the aircraft that I worked on and squadrons that I was attached to, He sent me these photos. I planned on [...]

Jim Sullivan Group Build: 1/48 Birdcage F4U-1 and US Marines in Santa Barbara

In 1941 construction began on the new Santa Barbara Municipal Airport on California’s southern coastline 7 miles west of the city in the town of Goleta. The airport is almost smack dab on the beach facing the Pacific Ocean and the [...]

Jim Sullivan GB: 1/48 Otaki F6F-3 Hellcat

Jim Sullivan’s “F6F Hellcat in Action” Squadron book features a Don Greer profile of Hellcat F6F-3 “white 13” of VF-16 that flew from the USS Lexington CV-16 in December of 1943. I chose to model this particular aircraft for the [...]

Jim Sullivan Memorial Build, F2A Buffalo

Hi All, This is my first contribution to the Mr. Jim Sullivan Memorial Group Build. I did not know Jim personally but have read many of his books and enjoyed seeing his models here on iModeler. His talents will be missed. I hope my [...]