The MiG-15 Database at iModeler

36 articles
  • Items tagged with MiG-15
  • 36 articles
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  • Last addition 4 months, 3 weeks ago

1/48 Tamiya MiG-15

Had some problems with this kit, lost some parts (gun sight), broke some parts (antenna), decals disintegrated on me so I stole a few from a MiG-21 kit so this is a fictitious plane. I didn't want to do a NMF so I free handed the camo for [...]

Hobby Boss 1/72 MiG-15bis

Yevgeny Georgievich Pepelyaev (Евгений Георгиевич Пепеляев) was born on 18 March 1918 in Bodaybo, Irkutsk, in Eastern Siberia, the son of a railroad worker. His elder brother Konstantin enlisted in the Soviet air [...]

MiG Alley

Friends, it's been a long time since we last met. Let's send these small planes this time.

Hobby Boss 1/72 MiG-15 UTI

Following the 14 July 1958 Revolution, which resulted in the end of monarchy in Iraq, the influence of the Iraqi Communist Party grew significantly. The first commander of the now Iraqi Air Force (the "Royal" prefix was dropped [...]

1/72 Eduard Mig-15 Build

The Mig-15 (NATO codenamed: Fagot) was the premier jet fighter of the Soviet Union during the early 1950s. It was developed out of the ashes of the Mig-9 which was a disaster in part because the designers placed the armament right in [...]

MiG-15bis Nightfighter Korean War Tamiya 1/48

Hi folks, Got an old kit disposed by,and decided to finish it,even being the Tamiya one,of which two had already been built. I tried,somehow,to represent one of those pesky nightfighters,which caused so much trouble for ONU aircraft in the [...]

Tamiya MiG-15bis, 1:48

Found this kit at a yard sale intact and way cheap! older kit, but as all Tamiya's went together extremely well. Had to buy new decals, the kits decals were faded and cracked. Thanks 🙂

Review: Just arrived on my porchBronco 1/48 MiG-15

The Bronco 1/48 MiG-15 (Fagot-A) has just arrived here today. As I had surmised from sprue shots, it is the Trumpeter MiG-15bis kit without the engine and without the fuselage divided fore and aft, with the correct modification made to the [...]

Airfix 1/72 MIG-15

My fourth monthly ‘staying-at-home, no-frills, stash-reduction, build and paint’ project--June edition. A nice little kit that was one of Airfix's new generation. Apparently it received mixed reviews because the fuselage is a little [...]

MiG-15bis “Fagot” – 17th IAP, 303rd IAD, Red 139, Cap. Bytchkov (Korean War)

Bonjour chers imodelers, This is my rendition of the MiG-15, under the colours of the North Korean Air Force early 50s, but piloted by Russians, as everybody knows. The Tamiya model is almost perfect despite its age. I used Metallic [...]