The Minicraft Database at iModeler

56 articles
  • Items tagged with Minicraft
  • 56 articles
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  • Last addition 6 years, 7 months ago

Minicraft model kits

PBY-5A Catalina – 1/144 – Minicraft

This was another long run. I'm happy to see it finished. I hope you like it...

1/48 Minicraft P-38L Putt Putt Maru

I had the Minicraft 1/48 P-38J kit- but it sat for a while because I was not sure how I would deal with all the stripes on the tail and spinners. The decals from the kit sheet and the Hasegawa kit sheet for the coloured stripes were not [...]

1/48 Minicraft F4U-4B VMF-323 Korea

This F4U-4B has all the same modifications as my other F4U-4B here on Imodeler, except that the wings are not folded, and I have used a flap set from the Verlinden F4U-4 detail set for the Hasegawa kit. The weapons are 1000 lb bombs from [...]

1/48 Minicraft F4U-4B VMF-214 Korea

I built one of my Minicraft 1/48 F4U-4B kits with Tamiya 1/48 F4U wing fold hinge parts. I made resin copies of Tamiya 1/48 F4U-1 oil cooler inlets, then cut out 3 of the vanes to modify them to match F4U-4 inlets. They have a much better [...]

The Wooden Bee and the Story of the Auca Five

Here is my modest contribution to the Year of the Cat, and it is simultaneously a legacy build. The former is tenuously justified by the fact that the model in question bears the nickname “Cub” (the PA-14 Piper Cub, to be precise). I [...]

Progress on the latest effort grande

This is a works-in-progress layout to assess initial positioning of structures. It's like working on a model of an architectural proposal with a lot more detail.The projected cost overruns of this project make it worthy of a government [...]

Lockheed EC 121 Warning Star, 135756, USN Pacific Missile Range, Point Mugu California 1961.

1/144 Minicraft, almost OOB, I added some piano wire axels to the main undercarriage, finished in MM enamels with Future over kit and other decals, built 2006 to 2009.

Boeing C-97G Stratofreighter 0-30152Minicraft 1/144

Few pics of my Stratofrighter with scratchbuilt flaps and cowling. Show the last pictures. This kit was not easy to build and need many corrections.

1/72nd Minicraft PBM-5 Mariner

I found the Minicraft PBM-5 to be an enjoyable build but not without its challenges. For the most part, the kit is nicely engineered with clean crisp parts and finely recessed panel lines. On the negative side, I found that the PBM-5 is a [...]

Navy Ace Guy Bordelon, VC-3 Korea, Minicraft F4U-5N Corsair

This is something that I have been wanting to do for a long time now...each year passes and I would miss it, so here goes. Since today is Memorial Day here in the US, and in honor of our fallen veterans, I felt that this would be [...]