The P-51 Database at iModeler

379 articles
  • Items tagged with P-51
  • 379 articles
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  • Last addition 11 years, 10 months ago

North American P-51 Mustang

“Mary Nell”… P-51D…1st Lt. William A. Taylor POW…Italy

hasegawa 1/48...eagle strike 48092...

A-36 Impaler

Stolen in early 1944 by an escaped Romanian officer from an Allied forward base in Italy-on a dark and stormy night. Flown at wave top level across the Adriatic to a hidden location in the area of Transylvania, where it was re-marked and [...]

More Tamiya 1/48 Mustangs...Tuskegee Airmen

These kits were straight out of the box except the decals, they are from Warbird Decals. The P-51C is from the 302nd FS, 332nd FG Tuskegee Airmen "INA The Macon Belle" Pilot 1st Lt. Lee "Buddy" Archer and the P-51D is [...]

Camouflage and Markings of the North American P-51 Mustang

Another reprint from my editorial archives is this camouflage feature by Mr Rick Kent, originally posted at the pages of IPMS Stockholm – Ed. The Mustang did not gain it's immortal fame until this American airframe was married with the [...]

1/32 Tamiya P-51D Mustang LOU IV – In progress

Hi, Tamiya s new P-51D has got his decals. You can see all construction images from "Work in Progress-Aircraft" section. (link) Happy modelling

Capt. Arval J. Roberson’s P-51D Mustang “Passion Wagon”

I used the Tamiya P-51D mustang kit in 1/48 scale for this one. This started out to be a pain in the you know where build. I started out with Loon Models no cut conversion. It is 2 complete fuselage halves made out of resin and a separate [...]

Tamiya P-51D Mustang 1/48

as mentioned in my P-47 article here is the P-51D with same name..This one was kind of unusual. It has 2 VHF antanaes on the top behind the canopy and one on the bottom just forward of the main gear. I also saw a color profile of this [...]

Tamiya 1/48 P-47D Bubbletop

This kit is the Tamiya P-47D Bubble Top. Built straight out of the box, except Super Scale decals. True story, thats real funny. The reason I chose to do this aircraft is my mother-in-law. She is a sweet lady, I love her to death. She is a [...]

Ben Hall's P-51

This is how this aircraft appeared in the 1964 season. Flown in a stock cofiguration. Tamiya 1/48. The "Seattle Miss" name & the Space Needle logo are homemade decals, the registration number is a dry transfer & [...]

1/48 P-51B Mustang

Continuing the iModeler Mustang theme I present my Tamiya P-51B, with a Verlinden cockpit and a set of Aeromaster decals added. This build is from the late 90s and was the first project where I used a double-action airbrush for painting [...]