The Pucara Database at iModeler

7 articles
  • Items tagged with Pucara
  • 7 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 1 year ago

Buenos Aires: Museo Nacional de Aeronáutica

My wife and I enjoyed three delightful weeks in Argentina, December 2023. While in Buenos Aires, I made a point of visiting the Museo Nacional de Aeronáutica, dedicated to the history of the Argentine Air Force aka: Fuerza Aérea [...]

Kinetic 1/48 IA 58 Pucara

A gem from Kinetic. The kit has good fit of parts and fine details that in turn, invite a delicate weathering practice.

FMA IA.58 Pucará (1/72 Special Hobby)

FMA IA.58 Pucará (Special Hobby 1/72) A-511 Grupo de Ataque 3 - BAM Malvinas, pilot mayor Carlos Tomba. This aircraft was shot down on the 21st may 1982 by Lt Cdr "Sharkey" Ward piloting the Sea Harrier XZ451/006. Mayor Tomba [...]

Kinetic 1/48 IA 58 Pucara

The full review, as published last week at Modeling Madness, with many many more pix here: The Airplane: The FMA IA 58 Pucará - the name is from the Quechua language, meaning “Fortress,” referring to a form of South American stone [...]

Kinetic 1/48 Pucara

Kinetic's best kit yet. Absolutely wonderful. There's a WIP on this in the WIP Group and it's also in the Falkland Islands group. Full review next Thursday March 25 at Modeling Madness. Buy. In. Confidence.

Pucarà 1/48 Acongaua with recce drone Mirach 100/2. Cordoba, Argentina 1988. Part 2.

Finally I found a little time to write part 2 of the article about my 1/48 Pucarà, which was ended just in time for Moson Model Show in April 2017, after 3 years of start and stop. Here is the link to part one, in case somebody would [...]

Pucarà 1/48 Acongaua with recce drone Mirach 100/2. Cordoba, Argentina 1988.

In 1988, a team of then Meteor CAE SpA , Ronchi dei Legionari ( GO ) Italy, now part of Finmeccanica Company, travels to Argentina, in the province of Cordoba , to perform the test launches of a Mirach 100/2 remote controlled aerial [...]