The Revell Database at iModeler

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Revell model kits

Year of the Cat, Mirage 2000-C Tigermeet 2003. Revell 1/72

Yes there is my second build for the Year of the Cat group build. Finaly got this French cat ready for action. It took some extra work to get this kit nicely done as this is a Revell re-box from the original Italeri kit. Colours I used [...]

Building Revell’s FOOSE ’56 Ford Pickup

Have you ever built a model that went together with such ease that you could not believe how much fun you were having? Well this was that kit for me. There were absolutely no problems to report as everything fit as it was supposed to. [...]

Me-P.1099 – Revell 1/72

I have a friend who likes my models a lot, and he gave me a challenge: to build a scale model under 10 work hours. It sounds bad I know, but I like these kind of challenges... So he gave me the Me-P1099 from Revell. I know Revell models [...]

F-101 Voodoo 1/72 Revell

After a quite long break ive finally managed to finish that build it only needs some tiny bits and external fuel tanks to be added on. Kit was finished oob. and has decent details also I liked the fit and it docent have any major fitting [...]

Revell 1/72 F-4B VMFA-531,Forrestl/Ark Royal

While deployed on Forrestal in the 1973 A/C 207 of VMFA 531 broke down on board Ark Royal while cross decking, port call to Malta was coming up, part wasn't readily available and being that Malta and the US were not getting along at [...]

U-boat VII/C

U-boat Type VII/C : The magic of light 1/144 U-boat VII/C (Revell) & 1/350 U-boat VII/C (Revell)

Revell-Germany 1/48 Me-410B-2

The Messeschmitt Me-410 was essentially a redesigned Me-210, with a lengthened fuselage and DB603 engines rather than the DB605 of the earlier design. This redesign solved the problems of the Me-210, which were so difficult that it was [...]

1/48 Revell Ventura Mk. II

Here’s a few not so great photos of Revell’s 1/48th scale Ventura Mk. II which I completed on Christmas Eve 2017, my final build of the year. It’s a great kit and fun to construct, but it does take up a lot of shelf space and looks [...]

USS Enterprise CV-6, Revell 1/480.

Here's my low budget Big E, I have gone as far as I can with this so here's the post. I got this original 1967 issue off the net. I picked the old gal because of the full hull, fairly reasonable price, and a scale that my shake fingers [...]

Not Just Your Dad's Wagon: 1/25 1957 Ford Del-Rio Wagon

I am 54 year old man who loves classic cars but as I write this keep in mind I am far from an expert. What I do know is that my Dad had a 57 Ford Wagon and he would talk a lot about it usually discussing it's highlights, and how much he [...]