Revell model kits
1198 articles
Here's my latest build that I finished a while ago for a Bomber SiG.
The kit itself is from 1994 and it has raised panellines, bad fit and lots of sinkmarks, but with some determination it's possible to put it together nicely.
I used [...]
I’ve done a lot of improvements (whell bay, landing gear, engine, engine compartment, panel lines, riveting…)
The cockpit is almost completely an Eduard kit. Although it was for Revell, it wasn´t for this particulary kit, so I had to [...]
Pleasant build, which was ruined by the weights getting lose inside the aircraft. I´ll superglue them next time.
The aircraft here is based in North Africa, 1948, and flies for I/KG 7 "Afrika."
This was a model I wanted to build for some time, and finally got the chance to buy it while I was at Amsterdam.
General fit was good, except in the wing/fuselage area, where there were gaps. The tailband was the worst of the decals, since [...]
A few years ago Revell released its new Trabant kit. It was a much better kit than their first version, released in the early nineties. According to urban legends, a few Revell employees drove to the former GDR right after the [...]
Hi all
This is a very old kit from Revell. It represent a U-Boot type VII B, exactly the U47 commanded by Günther Prien.
Just finished right now.
Hope you like it
Sifredo Cubas.
Another adventure ...German submarine with interior. Try to install some lights inside. Let see what happens.
The war the fighter-bombers engaged in during the Korean War was a bloody one, a war unrelieved by opportunities for the kind of public acclaim the Sabre pilots received. Writing in “Officers in Flight Suits, The Story of American Air [...]
Good day to all !
This is my first post regarding aviation subject lets start with a brief history of the aircraft . The A-400M "Atlas" was added to the Royal Malaysian Air Force inventory back in early 2015 after its purchase [...]
I think the first time I paid attention to "Developments in Aviation" was when I saw the October 1949 edition of the National Geographic show up at our house (it helped that my two teacher grandmothers had taught me to read at [...]