The Revell Database at iModeler

1198 articles
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Revell model kits

Revel 1/48 P-40B

This is my first post and I'm happy to be apart of the society. This is my P-40B from Revel. The tow cart is from a B-24 as well as the crew. Please note the base ball cap on the driver of the tow cart. Base ball was a popular sport in the [...]

1/32 Revell of Germany BF109 G10

Fellas, Just finished the RoG 32 scale BF109 G10 done in Hartmans markings. Added the Barracuda resin oil cooler faring, prop, engine scoops, wheels, and cockpit rear bulkhead, Brassin main gear and used Montex masks for the markings. As [...]

1/32 Revell (Hasegawa) Spitfire Mk.1A K9962

Here is my 1/32 Revell-Hasegawa Spitfire Mk.1a finished with the markings of Farquhar's Mk.1a K9962. In fact this is re–issue of old Hasegawa’s hybrid release (ST14 in 2001) with Revell brand years ago. In this kit, Hasegawa produced [...]

Revell BAC Lightning F.6 – 1/72

Hi guys, after a long period of abstinence, I came back with an interesting and unusual British fighter from the cold war era. This Revell Lightning is a simple, easy-to-assemble kit, good for warm up after a standing period. A negative is [...]

Revell 1/48 F-15E Strike Eagle

Here is my Revell F-15E Strike Eagle. it's OOB with Hasegawa weapons added to represent a Bold Tiger bird in the opening days of Operation Enduring Freedom. i went to my local municipal airport to take the pictures. I used holographic [...]

Progress on the latest effort grande

This is a works-in-progress layout to assess initial positioning of structures. It's like working on a model of an architectural proposal with a lot more detail.The projected cost overruns of this project make it worthy of a government [...]

Review: Revell 1/2700 Star Destroyer review

Revell 1/35th scale Man 5t Truck, Kosovo Conflict 1998

A change of pace in building something that doesn't have wings. With a few armor and soft skin kits in the stash, this one was quite interesting picking it up at a kit show a few years ago. When it comes to armor I tend to lean towards [...]

Review: Revell 1/48 Tornado ADV Review

1/48 Revell / Monogram Spitfire Mk.II

Inspired by Dimitry's beautiful 1/72 Airfix Mk1 early Spitfire, I decided to post up one of mine... Here's another "oldie" that I built many years ago. It's nothing fancy, but it is a Spitfire, and that's what matters... These [...]