The rust Database at iModeler

5 articles
  • Items tagged with rust
  • 5 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 1 year, 5 months ago

The cheapest rust effect technique

After the previous weathering technique, I would like to show you a technique that many of you may know, but for those of you who don't, you can try it now. All you need is the desired rust colour, water, salt and an airbrush or spray [...]

Knock-off time

As I go through my old builds I realize I have not yet added this little diorama to my iModeler portfolio. I called this South Australian scene "Knock-off time" as I wanted to portrait a farmer and his ride as he knocks-off [...]

The Old Blue German Wagon and Friend

Many farm owners keep anything old even if seemingly unusable. It may be for nostalgic reasons, for using the scrap material or just the fact it will take time and money to get rid of it. There is always a corner of the property filled [...]

Ghost in the Shell T-34 (RFM 1:35 kit + MiniArt engine & transmission)

Hello y’all, I’m back after a looong hiatus. In these strange times things are happening that apparently escaped from a bad movie script; if one had woken up from 2-years hibernation, he’d probably struggle to recognize the planet. [...]

How to make a metal plate out of cardboard

I've been asked, many times over, how I achieved the steel plate loads, I did for a build, many years ago. It's not the most updated fancy method, that everyone seems to be doing today, but it works and give pretty much the same results. [...]