The S-2 Database at iModeler

4 articles
  • Items tagged with S-2
  • 4 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 8 years, 4 months ago

Grumman S-2 Tracker

Grumman C-1A Trader 1/72

This is Hasegawa's S-2 Tracker converted to a C-1A Trader COD[ carrier onboard delivery]. I left out all the sonar gear, plugged sonar buoy holes in the back of the nacelles and kit bashed the decals, making it of course the one assigned [...]

Grumman S-2A Tracker in 1/48 scale by Kinetic

Well another one finally complete. This is the Kinetic issue of the early version S-2A, basically short body and short wings to keep the description simple. I went all out on this kit using Quickboost engines that were wired and had the [...]

Grumman S-2 "Tracker" Target Tug

The Grumman S-2 was the first aircraft designed from the beginning for the Navy's antisubmarine warfare carriers, whose mission was the destruction of submarines in high priority areas. First flown in 1952, S2F-1S went to the first [...]

Kinetic 1/48 Grumman S-2E Tracker

The Grumman S2F, nicknamed the “Stoof,” revolutionized carrier-based anti-submarine warfare. Designed in 1951 to a Navy specification calling for an aircraft capable of performing both the “hunter” and “killer” role in ASW, [...]