The Schneider Trophy Database at iModeler

7 articles
  • Items tagged with Schneider Trophy
  • 7 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 2 years, 2 months ago

Piaggio-Pegna P.c.7

Hello everyone! This time I share with you a subject that is closer to my heart. It is a strange, but beautiful, as a real italian engineering creation. It was develepoed for one reason, to win the well known Schneider Trophy for Italy in [...]

AMP 1/48 Supermarine S.5 Schneider Racer

In 1911, a time when floatplanes and flying boats were barely capable of leaving the water, Jacques Schneider introduced the Schneider Cup at a banquet following the 4th annual James Gordon Bennet race for landplanes, for a similar race [...]

A Thanksgiving Present From Bill Bosworth

Bill Bosworth's latest scratchbuilt creation: 1/32 Supermarine S5 Schneider Cup Racer. Once again, "we're not worthy!" 🙂

Supermarine S 6B, S 1595, RAF HSF, Flt LT J N Boothman, Schneider Trophy, Calshot England 1931.

1/72 Eastern Express, I modified and added a few things, plastic tube for propeller, cockpit details, brass bracing wires, adjusted the float struts, lead shot in floats, finished in Humbrol and MM enamels with Future over kit decals.

Schneider Cup 2.0 ?

After the smashing success with the Red Bull Air Races, the Austrian company announces a reprise of the legendary Schneider Cup Trophy. This cup, which was once the meeting place for the world’s fastest piston engined powered air racer [...]

Aerotech 1/32 Supermarine S4

Here is my Aerotech Supermarine S4, all limited run Resin kit with White metal and photo etched accessories. It has been finished using Mr Surfacer white 1000 and Alclad.

A New Year's present from Bill Bosworth

Here is Bill Bosworth's latest scratchbuilt masterpiece:a 1/32 Macchi M.33 Schneider Cup Racer. Bill is currently working on an M.52, which will complete his collection of Italian Schneider racers. For those newcomers here, Bill Bosworth [...]