The Special Hobby Database at iModeler

233 articles
  • Items tagged with Special Hobby
  • 233 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 6 years, 9 months ago

Special Hobby range of model kits

Phonix D.I Kriegsmarine Puly 1918

Supermarine Walrus MK I (1/48 Special Hobby)

This is an old kit, the Special Hobby 1/48 that I started to build in 2017 before seeing the first pictures of the future Airfix in the same scale. I chose to continue my model by trying to raise it to the level of the future Airfix. There [...]

1/72 Special Hobby Fw 187A-0

This is my first completed build of 2018, and my first submission to iModeler. It’s also the first 1/72 scale model I’ve tackled since I was 14 yrs old. And tackle it I did with Special Hobby’s Fw 187, released in 2003. I built it [...]

Special Hobby 1/32 P-36A and Hawk 75

The Curtiss P-36 began with the Model 75 project, originally developed in 1934 by Curtiss’ Chief Designer Don Berlin as the Curtiss response to the US Army Air Corps Request For Proposals for an all-metal monoplane pursuit aircraft, with [...]

Special Hobby 1/48 Saab Viggen AJ-37

Good morning from Viet Nam ! This is my lattest build, the Saab Viggen AJ-37 from Special Hobby. This is actuallu a rebox of Tarangus Viggen with the added of color PE for the cockit. The fit is good overall, consider the nature of limit [...]

Fairey Barracuda, 1:48 Special Hobby

This was a commission build for a client who creates amazing photo-composite work. You don't see many of these built, and I'm not surprised as it's a b***h of a kit in places! My client wanted a wheels-up configuration, which the kit does [...]

Review: Special Hobby 1/48 Fairey Firefly Mk.4/5 Review

Video: SB2C-5 HELLDIVER by SPECIAL HOBBY (video preview)

1/72 Special Hobby SB2C-5 Helldiver “The Final Version”. The final production version of the famous Helldiver dive bomber was the SB2C-5 which was able to carry much more fuel, featured a paddle-bladed propeller without a spinner, [...]


Scale 1:72 Building time: 69hrs Here is my latest creation, once again what I love the most: a diorama. After some changes I called this one “Deathtrap” for obvious reason. It depicts a few Marines which have discovered an abandoned [...]

Filling the gaps – Special Hobby’s 1/48 T-2C Buckeye

I have a confession to make: I think I have a couple of screws loose. That is the only explanation I have for my overarching modeling theme - building a complete collection of US military hardware from the 1920s to present. Well, at least [...]