The Spitfire Database at iModeler

572 articles
  • Items tagged with Spitfire
  • 572 articles
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  • Last addition 4 years, 2 months ago

Supermarine Spitfire

Spitfire HF Mk.VIII (Eduard 1/48)

Yes, it's another one boring Spitfire, but I can't resist (by the way, it's my 10th Spit ever built). I've fell in love with this high-altitude fighter in a non-standard grey/PRU blue painting scheme on the box art, so the kit was bought [...]

Spitfire Mk Vb KP 1/72

Here is a little Spitfire, a MkVb, the kit is from Kovozavody Prostejov. This was the plane of Squadron Leader James Rankin, 92. Squadron at Biggin Hill in 1941. The cockpit, which is fairly well detailed, does not include photoetching. [...]

Stretching a weekend build, Academys 1/48 Griffon powered Spit

Plenty has been written about the failings of this kit and i won't go into detail here beside dropping a Jon Bius quote that i think is fitting for most of us modellers... 'But I believe most modelers just want to enjoy a build. They [...]

1/72 Tamiya Spitfire Mk Ia

Tamiya 1/72 Spitfire Mk Ia. I have had this kit in the stash for quite a while. It was time to build it especially since I did not have a Mk Ia in the collection. This plane was flown by Sqn Ldr Rupert "Lucky" Leigh of No. 66 Sqn [...]

Eduard 1/48 Spitfire Mk. IX early

Cheating on my darling Luftwaffe and having a passionate affair with the Spitfire. This is the Profipak reissue of the early Mk. IX. I think I've finally built something that truly qualifies for out-of-the-box! A very fine kit- Fit and [...]

Free French! Spifire Mk. IX

This is MJ966, flown by Denys Boudard of No. 340 Free French Squadron (code GW), 1944. The squadron was moved from England – where it provided covering fire for the Normandy landings – to France, Belgium and back again. Apart from all [...]

1/48 Tamiya Spitfire Mk.I (new tool), 19 Sqn Op. Dynamo

The Spitfire is complete! This is the new tool 1/48 Tamiya Spitfire Mk. I. The first completion for 2020, let's hope I can keep up with this pace! Just over four weeks from start to finish. Some oils, exhaust stain and a few water colour [...]

My 2019 builds

Happy new year to all (with a little delay) Here are my builds completed in 2019. I can say that I am more productive than the previous year. I hope this happens in 2020 too. Happy modelling.. 1- 1/32 Hasegawa Junkers Ju-87D5 2- 1/48 [...]

Another Tamiya Spitfire Mk.IX

I’m not going to go into a ton of detail on this build since there are hundreds of WIP builds on this bird out there, but to say it’s many mini-kits in one, is an understatement. After some research I chose Johnnie Johnson’s version [...]

1/48 Spitfire FR XIVe “Bubbletop”, 402 Squadron, RCAF, March, 1945

I've finished my Airfix 1/48 Spitfire FR XIVe, completed as a 402 Squadron (RCAF) machine, March, 1945. As I understand it, 402 was one of two Squadron's to operate the "bubbletop" before the end of the war in Europe. I found [...]