The Spitfire Database at iModeler

618 articles
  • Items tagged with Spitfire
  • 618 articles
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  • Last addition 10 years, 1 month ago

Supermarine Spitfire

1/48 Hasegawa Spitfire MkIXe Egyptian markings. 1948

HI all, hope you like my latest. I built it cause a friend's daughter said she liked my MkVB trop colours, but hated the filter. She's a 10 yr old going on So I built this with her in mind, and cause I've always loved these [...]

Supermarine S.31 (PR.XIX – Type 390) - 1:72

Hello again and let me present my second model: Supermarine S.31. Why this version? Well, since I'd love to have some classics in my tiny collection, I thought Spit was a must, so I started reading and researching about various versions [...]

Master Box 1/32 RAF pilots.

Hi Folks, After my uploading my photo's of my Revell Spitfire (thank you for your nice reply's by the way) I decided to do a small diorama I had the Master Box RAF pilots set so decided to put these together and was very pleasantly [...]

My 1/48 Airfix Spitfire FR XIX which I won here on imodeler. :)

Thank you Imodeler for this kit. I loved building it, and though some may say this colour scheme is a bit boring, I love it. Its a shame you can't see all the cameras etc in the fuselage. I could have opened the camera doors, but didn't [...]

Revell 1/32 Mk2a Spitfire

Hi folks, hope everyone has had a good Christmas and are all ready for the New Year. Well 2014 was a hard year for me I've really struggled to produce anything everything I started ended in the bin of doom never to be seen again. Then I [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 Spitfire Mk.Vc from a bit of kit bashing.

The aerial defence of Malta is a saga by itself; no less is the story of the many & varied camouflage schemes applied during the conflict. Having already built the Vb, I wanted to do a Vc. This Vc represents BR246 which was delivered [...]

Tamiya 1/48 Spitfire MkVB

My tribute to the Polish pilots of the war. Sqdn Leader Jan Zumbach". 303 Sqdn RAF September 1942 Techmod decals which are very thin and will tear if you're not careful, but go on beautifully. I loved this build. Hope you like, Paul.

Airfix 1/48 Supermarine Seafire XV Kitbash

An interesting if somewhat futile exercise in kitbashing a Supermarine Seafire XV: This was made from the leftover wings from my Airfix Supermarine Seafire XVII and grafting it onto the modified fuselage of Airfix's Supermarine Spitfire [...]

Supermarine Spitfire Vb (Trop) in 1/48 scale by Airfix.

My inspiration for this model came from Brian Cauchi's book "Malta Spitfrie Vs - 1942: Their Colours & Markings" which I found of enormous help & in addition a real potential problem as the temptation is undoubtedly to [...]

Camouflage & Markings: Spitfire from 1938 to 1940

Creating balance with all my Hurricane profiles so far posted, here are the early Spitfires. With all the literature that has been published on the Spitfire not a great deal is left to say, but here are a few notes for modellers. The first [...]