The Thunderbolt Database at iModeler

200 articles
  • Items tagged with Thunderbolt
  • 200 articles
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  • Last addition 1 year, 5 months ago

Republic P-47 Thunderbolt

P-47D Thunderbolt, 1/48 Italeri

Hi all ! This is my latest model, the P47D 1/48 Italeri. My first metallic color kit, and trying to give this old used condition as usual... The instruments in the cockpit with dry brush worked well. I also made my own masks for the canopy [...]

Stalag Luft III - I Wanted WingsButton Nose P47 Thunderbolt 56th Fighter Group

One of my favourite paint schemes here in the 56thFG 62nd FS P47 D-22 LM*A bar Flown by Albert Knafelz I have always wanted to try and paint this but as I’m not a modeller in the true sense I’m more an 8th Airforce enthusiast and [...]

Another razor back to the collection

Another practice model for me same as my last post Diecast donor repainted as Francis Gabby Gabraski P47 D-11 HV*A my shading looks more realistic and I went one stage more than last model as this one got flat coat over decals

Ole Cock 56th Fighter Group 1/72 P47 Thunderbolt my test bed practice

Donavon Smith Ole Cock razor back olive drab sun bleached over neutral grey red nose band no tail colour Ive tried to be as correct as I can remember but I don’t know it all others know far more than me but here is my attempt with dates [...]

56th Fighter group I wanted wings Button Nose D-22

Looking to build and paint a model as historical correct to a date in time as possible I am new here and this will be my first model I have made in maybe 20 years The subject of my model is 56th FG P47 Thunderbolt D-22 LM*A bar July [...]

P-47D 'Razorback' Thunderbolt - Squirt IIin 1/48 Scale

This was supposed to be quite a straightforward build of Tamiya's excellent 1/48 scale P-47D-22 Razorback kit with some Kits World decals. I wanted to do the full invasion stripes markings worn by 'Squirt II' on D-Day itself as it's a very [...]

Review: Academy 1/48 A-10C Thunderbolt II Review

P-47S Thunderhog? for the twenty first century. 1/72 Revell.

This started out as Revells 1/72 P-47M. Until my twisted mind spent too much time figuring out what scheme to choose. The result is a somewhat updated Thunderbolt. Utilizing modern ground attack weapons, some additional bumps and antennae [...]

Tamiya 1:48 P-47M (Kit #61096*2800)

The title is a bit misleading as this is supposed to be an F-47D-40-RA and Tamiya supplies extra parts to do so. The F-47D came about as the new U.S.A.F. changed from Pursuit to Fighter. If you want to see a photo of the actual aircraft, [...]

Further newstest buiild of Dora Wings P-47B

Here's the recently-released photos of the test-build of the new Dora Wings P-47B. While the rest of the scale modeling internet is doing back flips and shouting "Huzzah!" the scale muddlers at Hyperflail are flailing it with red [...]