Republic P-47 Thunderbolt
200 articles
The Republic P-47D-30, which appeared in the ETO during the fall of 1944, and was produced at both the Farmingdale and Evansville factories, was the first Thunderbolt sub-type to have the underwing dive brakes that prevented the airplane [...]
78th Fighter Group ground crewman Warren Kellerstadt recalled: “They didn’t tell us when D-Day was going to be, but the night before we could smell something in the wind. They closed up the base tight and wouldn’t let anyone on or [...]
This is a model that I knew I had to get my hands on once it was available. Lo and behold, it was offered for "Presale" at Squadron a month or so ago... Just when I spent too much on other kits for Christmas and I thought my [...]
Hi folks,
built for a friend who admires a lot Gabresky.
Just tried to reproduce as much as photos permit the intricate camo...excuse me for any mistakes.
Hope you like it.
All the best,
The P-47D-25RE Thunderbolt went into production in the spring of 1944, following experimentation with a new full-vision “bubble” canopy in 1943 with the YP-47K, following Hawker’s development of such a canopy for the Typhoon. It [...]
Originally designed to meet an Air Corps specification for a high-altitude point-defense interceptor, forced to become a long-range escort fighter for lack of an alternative, then finding its metier as a low-altitude ground attack [...]
Taking a break from Mustangs. These two are a couple of my personal favorite paint schemes and both have a great history.
Lt. Col. Frank Perego, 368th FG Commander‘s ‘Slick Chick’ and 56th Fighter Group Ace David Schilling’s [...]
Jo-Han 1/72 P-47D Thunderbolt
Kit no. A-102 (Released: 1973 New tool)
This was my second time building this kit and I enjoyed the build when I first built it back in 1973 and enjoyed it more on this build. It is a clean kit with very [...]