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Robert Royes
258 articles

P-47S Thunderhog? for the twenty first century. 1/72 Revell.

February 23, 2023 · in Aviation · · 21 · 0.8K

This started out as Revells P-47M. Until my twisted mind spent too much time figuring out what scheme to choose. The result is a somewhat updated . Utilizing modern ground attack weapons, some additional bumps and antennae a conformal fuel tank and replacing the eight fifties with four 20 mms. Nick naming it the Thunderhog, with respect to the Thunderbolt and the Warthog. I sourced the decals from an old Hasegawa F-4E sheet.

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

21 responses

  1. Very inspiring and excellently built, Robert!
    Well done!

  2. Nicely done Robert, interesting what if, looks good.

  3. This should have been impressive firepower at the end of the war, Robert @roofrat
    Nice build.

  4. It looks good, Robert, and I like the name, “Wartbolt” doesn’t have the same ring to it.

  5. Great way to keep the mojo flowing! Well done, Robert

  6. Very creative work !

  7. That's an interesting idea, Robert. Very cool.

  8. Very cool concept Robert @roofrat! 😎 And it looks great too! 🍺

  9. As an old retired A-10 pilot, I can honestly say that is SWEEEEEET! The lineage really shows. Well done.

  10. Always interesting when the imagination runs wild! Very cool project - well done.

  11. Pretty cool. I've done a few things like that after sniffing too much glue! You've inspired me to post some.

  12. Robert, Looks like you had a lot fun on this one. I'll bet you've got a lot modelers thinking right now !

  13. Nice, I am not a fan of "What if's" but this one hits it out of the ballpark, I love it! A poor man's replacement for the A-10...

  14. That’s one seriously ominous looking beast you’ve created here, Robert. Very cool.

  15. That’s an intimidating looking jug Robert. Cool idea- well executed. Thumbs up!

  16. @roofrat - Awesome kitbash Robert!

  17. Thunderhog, I like it and why not, believe it would have worked.

  18. Cool build and impressive weapons load!

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