The Thunderbolt Database at iModeler

200 articles
  • Items tagged with Thunderbolt
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  • Last addition 4 years, 2 months ago

Republic P-47 Thunderbolt

I Like Jugs, Pt. 5

Here’s my interpretation of Gabby Gabreski’s P-47D. This is the Tamiya kit, one of the best engineered kits I’ve ever had the pleasure to make. Honestly, I don’t know why I don’t have a half dozen more in my collection. Oh, [...]

Former Brazilian Jug

Before Spitfirepalooza, there was “I Like Jugs.” My 1/72 Spitfire collection is a bit larger than my P-47 one but, my 1/48 P-47 collection wins (for now, those Eduard overtrees I just bought will turn the tide when done). This is [...]

Video: Republic P-47D Thunderbolt "Razorback"Building the Tamiya P-47D Scale Model Aircraft

1/48 Tamiya P-47D "Magic Carpet" 390th Fighter Squadron, 366th Fighter Group, 9th Air Force.

Zotz Decals Ultracast Seat and Wheels Tamiya/Mr Hobby Paints, Tamiya AS12, Alclad, Future Gloss and Xtracrylix Flat. Happy Modelling

P-47D Thunderbolt “Whoooo…”

After squadron (and Air Force) transfer, "The Ole Cock III" (seen here, a beautiful work from Chuck Villanueva : (link)) became this wolf-headed beauty...Hasegawa 1/48 kit...hope you like it.

P-47D “The Bug” 405th FG

My son was nicknamed bug when young so "The Bug" was a must build for me! Superscale decals and Ultracast wheels and seat Tamiya / Mr Hobby paints, Future Gloss and Xtracyrlix Flat "The Bug" P-47D-20-RE 42-76553 405th [...]

Raid Hot Mama: Tamiya 1/48 P-47D “Razorback”.

Tamiya 1/48 kit, built OOB with the exception of Eduard seat harness. Gunze-Sangyo aqueous acrylics used. SuperScale decals. P-47 Thunderbolt 42-27181 coded 2Z-D. White theater recognition cowl band. John Drummond held the rank of captain [...]

A few PTO P-47’s

Academy 1/48 P-47N Thunderbolt

This was a fun build! I've never had much luck with Academy's decals, so when I found the cool Hawaii ANG sheet, I was set. Although maybe basic by some standards, I think the cockpit builds up nicely after a wash and drybrushing. Same [...]

RAF Thunderbolt Mk I SEAC

Dear friends, an old Monogram Razorback,finally finished as a British Thunderbolt. Hope you like it. Marcus