The UH-34 Database at iModeler

4 articles
  • Items tagged with UH-34
  • 4 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 4 years, 8 months ago

UH-34d 1/48 Gallery Models

After about 2.5 months of exclusive building and a quarantine, this is now over. It is the uh-34 by Gallery Models, which is now sold by Trumpeter. A few words about the kit: It is good, rich in detail and plain ok for the asking price. It [...]

1/48 Gallery UH-34 Navy Helicopter

This model has been in my stash since it was 1st released some years ago. IMHO it is the best model in 1/48 of this famous Helo. It assembled with minimal issues but was tricky in places. The trick is lot's of dry fitting of the various [...]

Gallery UH-34 US Navy Rescue

I built this a couple of years ago and hesitated to post it because of that very reason. However, it was one of my favorite builds, so I thought I would share it with you guys. I hope I’m not violating some rule by posting a past [...]

Royal Netherlands Naval Air Station “DE KOOY” 1967

Naval Air Staion "De Kooy" is located just outside the Naval base of Den Helder in the Northern tip of the Netherlands. The diorama shows two search and rescue helikopters. Also on the tarmac is the crew bus and the Landrover [...]