The Val Database at iModeler

11 articles
  • Items tagged with Val
  • 11 articles
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  • Last addition 8 months, 3 weeks ago

Aichi D3A Val

1/72 Aichi Type 99 “Val” Dive Bomber

Next in my trio of 1/72 1941-42 IJN aircraft was an Aichi Type 99 "Val" dive bomber. The kit was the 2011 Dragon/Cyberhobby, which contains markings for seven Pearl Harbor aircraft (two from Akagi). While the kit itself is [...]

1/72 Aichi D3A1 Val, Pearl Harbour GB

Finally got to complete this D3A1 Val as part of the 80th Anniversary Build of Pearl Harbour Attack, thanks to Lis (@Lis) for starting this GB. Info indicated the markings are of L.Cmdr. Egusa's Val 'BI-231' from the Carrier Soryu with the [...]

Aichi D3A1 ”Val” (艦爆), Midway Island, Hasegawa, 1/48

Hi everyone! This is my Hasegawa 1/48 Aichi D3A1 Val, built as part of The Empire of Japan 1919 - 1946 Group Build, here on iModeler. The Aichi D3A Type 99 Carrier Bomber (Allied reporting name "Val") was a World War II [...]

1/72 Fujimi D3A Val dive bomber

This model is marked as the aircraft of the commander of the dive bomber squadron on the IJN Hiryu, LT Kobayashi Michio. He led the Hiryu's first attack of 18 Val's & 6 Zeros that launched at about 1045. After allowing his fighter [...]

Coral Sea; Part Two... Aichi D3A1, Type 99, Carrier Bomber

Part Two, is the 1:48 scale Hasegawa kit, and it is in the markings of an aircraft flown from IJN Zuikaku, by Lt. Tomatsu Ema, (Pilot) with W/O Azuma, (Gunner).

1/48 Hasegawa Aichi D3A “Val” from the IJN Carrier “Zuikaku” at Pearl Harbor

Tonight's article is about a model that I built many years ago. It was built right out of the box and no aftermarket items were used other than a little "Bare Metal Foil" on the propeller. I built this plane right around the [...]

Hasegawa 1:48 Scale, Aichi D3A1, Type 99, Carrier Bomber, ‘Val’

After seeing Terry's beautiful D3A2 model posted yesterday, I thought I'd stick my neck out with one I had built a few years back. It's a terrific model, that fits well, and a subject that really needed to be updated, considering that the [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 scale Aichi D3A2 Val

As with most model guys, I strive to find that different and / or unusual scheme , that sparks a little more interest or attraction to one's project. Scanning books and the internet for Japanese aircraft, especially those few samples that [...]

Bill Bosworth's amazing 1/32 scratchbuilt D3A-1 "Val"

Here's the most recent masterpiece from Bill Bosworth. A 1/32 scratchbuilt D3A-1 Val dive bomber. Done as one of the Vals that was shot down at Pearl Harbor.

Fujimi 1/48 Aichi D3A1 ‘Val’

Built this ages ago but haven't managed to upload it - sorry guys! Although an old kit and picked up for a bargain at £5! As well as a few touch ups in the cockpit, it soon came out a nice kit 🙂 (link)