Vought SB2U Vindicator
15 articles
This model represents a “Vindicator” attached to Marine Bombing Squadron Two Forty One, (VMSB-241). It was flown by 2nd Lt. Sumner Whitten, with Sgt. Frank E. Zelnis, as gunner.
After unsuccessfully attacking the Japanese battleship [...]
This is Accurate Miniatures 1:48 scale Vought SB2U-3, "Vindicator". I had built this kit a few year ago, also when IT first came out. I had gotten a kit that had the original flaw in the rear fuselage, where there was a weird [...]
Here's the Accurate Miniatures Vought SB2U-1 "Vindicator".
I started it in 2005, and when I laid down the natural metal finish (Alclad II) to replicate the silver-colored lacquer "dope" used on the fabric, it reacted [...]
SB2U-3 of VMSB-231, flown by 2nd Lt Sumner Whitten with gunner Sgt Frank Zelnis, who survived the squadron's attack against the Japanese fleet on 4 June 1942. The next day 2nd Lt. Robert Vaupell flew Whitten's airplane for the attack on [...]
This and the SB2U-3 are the last ones for 2012.
Done back in 2005, using the Yellow Wings Decals "Dive Bomber" set to do the airplane from VB-3 that was used when LCDR Joe Blake (Fred MacMurray) took LT Doug Lee (Erroll Flynn) [...]