What-if modeling
158 articles
After the smashing success with the Red Bull Air Races, the Austrian company announces a reprise of the legendary Schneider Cup Trophy.
This cup, which was once the meeting place for the world’s fastest piston engined powered air racer [...]
Yes I know another fantasy bird, This is Revells History makers edition of this old mold, putty sand, putty sand and once again. I was going to do it out of the box but the decals were shot, so I came up with a 1/144 P-3 VP squadron decals [...]
First Phantasy: The Navy was forced to buy the F-111b, it proved totally useless in squadron service, The F-14 was pushed back even further, Mcdonnell Douglas, stepped in with the F-4 VS,and the Navy finally gets a gun for their F-4 . it [...]
Right, you say, there were never anything like that...i think. Well, anyway, here they are. In the 30´s the Italian Fiat company desperately needed a new product. All in-house designs were deemed too...Italian, and thus Fiat ventured to [...]
My rendition of the Trumpeter F-107 as a fighter / interceptor. The drop tanks and missiles are from an ESCI F-100 kit. The paint is Krylon silver.
What if...what if Enoch Thulin´s aeroplane factory got a licence to produce Fokker E.V after WW 1, for the Swedish Flying Corps/Air force? In my plastic factory anything is possible. I had an Eduard Fokker E.V in 1/48 sitting on my shelf [...]
Why do I do these things? I have a nice selection of regular models.
Sometimes I just go off on a idea and see if I can make it happen.
Except for the wheels and fixtures and crew, completely scratch built.
And of course I had to add LED [...]
Another "whiffie" racer...these old kits are FUN. and inexpensive. I added a "modern" pilot, cleaned up the the fuselage, and clipped the wings. Looks very lightweight and fragile. The stripes are painted over [...]
Like most folks (especially aviation modellers) in the hobby, I've built a number of 'What If' projects over the years.
When I do them, I tend to do them as 'relatively possible', I'm not one for building rocket-powered Sopwith Camels' in [...]
This is one of my latest projects. It is 1/72 scale, which is a bit small for me usually, but the whole shape and look of this aircraft is SO COOL!
For those who don,t know, it is a conceptual aircraft from the video game Ace Combat, as [...]