1/350 Tamiya Yamato (new tool) & Monochrome Suzutsuki

June 11, 2015 · in Ships · · 21 · 10.9K

A with the subject "Getting under way for Operation Ten-Ichi-Go", 's last sortie in the spring of 1945. I made an effort to accurize the ships in order to depict them correctly as they would have been fitted at that time as per the available information. This required a lot of aftermarket accessories and a fair amount of scratchbuilding, especially on the destroyer, which left a lot to be desired out of the box.
I hope you enjoy it!

Reader reactions:
20  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

21 responses

  1. Truly amazing work! Great build and great photography

  2. Nice job.
    How did you find the Yamato kit?

  3. Stunning workmanship, sir...indeed a fantastic representation (and presentation). Beautiful craftsmanship. Bravo!

  4. said on June 11, 2015

    Absolutely AMAZING! Yamato is my favourite WW II battleship by far! Definitely saving these photos. Well done!

  5. I`d love to see a wider angle photo...

  6. Fantastic model and pictures, I think the splash of colour in the Japanese flags really helps to catch the eye.

  7. You need to provide some "money shots" i.e. photos of the entire diorama so that all may be revealed. Excellent work, by the way, one of the best I've seen..

  8. Greetings :
    To sum my thoughts into this one in just one word ... STUNNING.
    Two words ... FREAKINGLY STUNNING.
    You have done a very good job on this, I concur with George, the flag makes it stand out plus it gives it PERSONALITY.
    The weathering is not over done.
    And here is the NOSTALGIC and somewhat comical side too it ...
    If one views it well, and concentrates on the whole concept ... one can hear the crew talking.
    KUDOS ... hat's off to you.

  9. Greetings :
    I had to view it again ... the photography is very just to it.

  10. Thank you for your kind comments. Much appreciated!

    As requested I added a picture of the complete diorama from a distance.
    Ulf, the new tool Yamato is an excellent kit, the most accurate for 1945, and in my opinion worth the high price.

    I feel I should clarify something: building ship models is an extension of my interest in naval history. Thus, when I build, I dream of how the original would have looked in a specific moment of time and attempt to visualize it with the appropriate photography in a way that flatters my build. Mistakes are always there and are part of the learning curve!

  11. Anthony, The ships are simply superb, the dark brooding sky gives a real sense of foreboding, it feels as though this really is the final mission ! Magnificent

  12. What a stunning entry to begin your posting here. Thanks for sharing and elcome onboard at iModeler!

  13. Outstanding work. Congratulations on a magnificent effort.

  14. Really fantastic work. The thing with a diorama is everything has to fit to "tell the story," and everything - from the seamen on deck to the entire piece - works seamlessly to do that. One of the best dioramas in any genre I have seen.

  15. I'm with Rob, just magnificent, in every way!

  16. That's amazing! Very impressive skills.

  17. I am speechless, what can I say, except this is the best ship diorama I have seen in a very long time, thank you for sharing this amazing piece of art work.

  18. Everyone has already said it - amazing! The photographic work is just stunning as well. Really makes viewing the model that much more enjoyable.

  19. Stunning diorama, great detailwork and presentation, now i wan t a big scale Yamato !

  20. Outstanding diorama, Anthony!

    I'm in the crowd who likes the flags. Well done, Sir!

  21. WOW, simply out of this world. Truly stunning. The flags, the ships, the sky - marvellous. Can't say much more as speechless - other than brilliant modelling and photography!

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