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Tom Bebout
143 articles

1/48 Monogram B-25H Mitchell

November 24, 2013 · in Aviation · · 9 · 3.6K

After a long period of no posting it's time to begin again. My first attempt several years ago at a twin engine model and I choose this old kit. The B-25H was the most heavily armed aircraft produced during WWII. In addition to the four 50 cal Mg's in the nose North American included a 75mm cannon. The navigator doubled as the cannoneer to manually load this field piece. In February of 1944 the first B-25H's were assigned to the 498th Bombardment Squardon operating in the Philippines Islands. Due to the slow firing rate of the cannon and a lack of worthwhile targets the cannon was replaced with two additional Mg's. I replaced the kit's cannon with aluminum tubing and added True Detail wheels. The decals are cobbled together from some spares as most the original stickers were shot. I used Testor rattle cans for the paint and hand brushed every thing else.

Currently I know of one B-25H still flying in the states as Barbie II. I've seen it twice and it's stunning to view.

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6  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. Nice job, Tom. I love those old Monogram's and seeing yours makes me want to search the stash for mine, and get started. Well done !

  2. Good-lookin' build, Tom - can't go wrong with Monogram.

  3. Nice clean build, hard to believe they flew this type of aircraft off a carrier.

  4. Gentlemen I appreciate your comments, fyi, I didn't have the heart to dirty her up, so I kept her clean. Three down and two more in the stash to build.

  5. Nothing wrong with a clean model, Tom, very nicely finished and detailed.

  6. Tom,
    Great model of the good ol Monogram B-25. Yours looks very good and don't fret about how others models look, your skills are evident and each and every one you do will only get better. You have "museum quality" just itching to get out. Keep the grand kids interested if you can. I keep trying but I am in competition with video games. Let's keep trying.

  7. Tom, a nice job but didn't you already show this build back in February ?

  8. OMG Neil, I think I just had a senior moment! And I even checked my old posts to ensure I didn't duplicate.

  9. Looking good in the neighborhood Tom! The photos make it look really nice.

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