Fujimi 1/48 Aichi D3A1 ‘Val’
Built this ages ago but haven't managed to upload it - sorry guys!
Although an old kit and picked up for a bargain at £5! As well as a few touch ups in the cockpit, it soon came out a nice kit
Built this ages ago but haven't managed to upload it - sorry guys!
Although an old kit and picked up for a bargain at £5! As well as a few touch ups in the cockpit, it soon came out a nice kit
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Nice ! I like the figures.
Thanks Phil
Good job...the video's a nice touch.
Thanks Craig
Looks like a fair-sized model, Mike; nice work.
Thanks Mike
Good job, I like the weathering a lot. I'm working now on A6M2 (the same Japanese grey) and I'm going through some hardship trying to weather it, but you did it great.
Thanks Lukasz. The weathering was Florymodels pro wash. If you want some advice I use XF-12 straight out of the bottle for the IJN Grey on aircraft. Like to see that A6M done, what kit is it? Love to get Tamiya's 1/32 A6M2 at Telford!
It's Tamiya kit but in 1/72. I also used XF-12 straight from the bottle (I think this colour is perfect), but now experimenting with some chipping and washes. I'll post the pics as soon as I finish the Zero but I also decided to make a base like a small piece of Akagi carrier deck so it's taking a bit longer than I expected. Thanks.
Mike, great work. Fujimi also had an early Zero, as well. Both are nice, inexpensive(?) alternatives to Hasegawas more recent variations.
Whose lovely fiddle music?
Nice figure work, as well.
Thanks Bernard. I defiantly need to get a hasegawa kit! I've got a Hasegawa 1/450 Akagi in progress I might upload a few WIPs soon.
The music was by violinist Lindsey Stirling and the song was "Senbonzakura" a famous and popular Japanese song. (English translate the title "One Thousand Cherryblossems" )
Mike, considering the title of the tune and the subject of the post, really clever choice! Banzai!
I like this very much, Michael. I've stated previously on this forum that I'm a fan of Japanese aircraft, and this offering has subtle finishes and clean lines. I can't see the figures too well, and a couple of photos are a little dark to pick up detail, but your 'Headline' photo is a treat.
Thanks Rob. I admit the photos where a bit off, because I didn't use the other camera which has more detail. The paint work was done with Tamiya XF-12 and the weathering was simply Florymodels Pro wash
Very nice! I like the weathering/finishing work.
Nice work Mike, like the weathering and figures, cool.
Excellent presentation Mike, nice carryover into the Japanese aircraft theme. I have this kit in a different boxing, may or may not be the same variant, may have to bring it down and check it. Otherwise a nice build, so I was definitely interested in your approach. Now I have an idea what to look forward too. When it's time to build it. Thanks for sharing your unique style. I loved it.
Fly Navy
Nice clean build.
Super looking Val. One of the coolest Japanese aircraft. Great job.
Really a nice build i have the airfix version in 1/72 screwed up the wing joint don't know if i can save it might become corsair fodder on a diorama. Again nice build and weathering