Focke Wulf Ta-152 C-0 V7 werk no. 110007
Here's another one of my favorite models. It's the Focke-Wulf Ta-152. The kit is manufactured by Hobby Boss and is in 1/48 scale. It is finished using Model Master enamels. This is an amazing kit and it went together without a problem. I used bare metal foil to replicate the finish under the wings. It appears that this area was left unpainted as were many of the late war Luftwaffe aircraft. I posted two original black and white photos that I used as a reference. I found these pictures online.
Nice job, Louis...I really like that. I never knew about the underside of the wings being bare metal - you'd think after all these years I would have seen or heard something/somewhere about that little factoid.
Lovely build. One of the nicest I've seen. Well done.
Great looking model Louis of an awesome aircraft.
Louis, nice work !, I always enjoy a good looking FW in any version.
That's a nice looking FW Louis.
Outstanding work!
Beautiful job on a beautiful bird.
Ditto the comments above - great looking 152! I only build aircraft, so I can appreciate your efforts here more then on the previously posted tank...!
Stunning build, nice job with the NMF surfaces.
Very nice!
Thanks everyone for the kind words. I'm going to be posting pictures and another article soon, possibly later tonight.
Thanks again!
Louis, here I am, YEARS later! @lgardner Do you know WHY the sections on the wing were left Natural? And about how many were done that way? This is new to me.
Inquiring minds need to know.