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Gary Stevenson
31 articles

Tamiya 1/48 Avro Lancaster PB150 of 625 Sqn RAF 1945

February 9, 2017 · in Aviation · · 15 · 2.7K

Some pics of my Lanc tastefully shot against the lurid backdrop of our back-bedroom! - Sorry about that but the finished model is so large it had to go somewhere uncluttered and it was still raining outside.
I scratch-built the internals inside the rear door including the flare shoot constructed from an old 1/32 'modern' F-16CJ Aces II ejector seat! The last 2 pics show the real thing in a real Lanc!
The bombs & 'cookie' were from various sources including the Airfix Mosquito if I remember rightly.
Decals by Xtradecal & Eduard etch thrown around inside the cockpit - all turrets were scratch built internals.
The twin aerial wires were a sod to get stuck on the canopy as you can see from the pics and are actually hanging on by a gnats nether-regions!
I quite like the finished result and I know the bomb-bay is too shallow but hey-ho! It looks like a to me...

I hope y'all like her.


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10  Awesome

13 additional images. Click to enlarge.

15 responses

  1. Built one back in the 70's, this kit that is. Big and hand painted it, (a teenager that didn't know about airbrushes yet). Back in the day when Monograms B-17 and B-24 was released, bombers on the shelf. Right now we fast forward to present and I have the Dambuster kit on the bench a long term project that I am hoping to complete this year finally. This is an inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I remember building one of these 'back in the day'...definitely a ceiling-hanger.

  3. Now this makes me want to build another one of these. Built mine right after it was released and my skills may have improved just a bit; but, NOT to the level of yours! Just outstanding build.
    I recall masking this bear! LOL! Pre-cut mask would be a BIG time saver.
    Luv looking at pretty models.


  4. Nice build Gary.
    She is a big beast to show or store...

  5. That is an impressive model! Really looks the part, and I love the flare chute, as seen thru the crew door.
    Great work!

  6. Looks legitimate to me-and a load of work. Nicely done.
    Have one in the stash-seems like forever now-with some aftermarket goodies but another impending move puts it off once more.

  7. Gary, how did you deal with the redundant fuselage windows?

    • I filled them with green stuff after cementing the original window pieces in place Bernie - then sanded & sanded & sanded and...
      You catch ma drift?
      I also had to move the wireless ops side windows back a bit so it sits directly under the 'astrodome' at the rear of the canopy - it's kinda hard to see if you're not looking for it. Tamiya molded it too far forwards.

      Cheers mate!

  8. What can I say Gary? Looks like a fantastic Lancaster to me. Weathering & details are spot on & I like your wallpaper too! It would be good if you could post some additional pictures when it stops raining so we can see an overall image in good light. I have one of these kits passed on by a friend: this might just be the inspiration I need. Thanks for posting.

    • Thanks Tony - I'm pleased to be inspiring someeone at last!. There was snow on the ground this morning & so it may be some time before the Lanc comes out of its maintenance hanger into the daylight once more. It will happen though.
      Have fun modelling mate!

  9. Another fine result Gary!

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