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Rob Anderson
206 articles

Insides, turning out!

March 10, 2017 · in Uncategorized · · 12 · 2.9K

Ok, so I wasn't going to go hog wild on stuff you can't see. I only added a few things besides the wooden floors. Resin seats fro Resin2Detail, a lamp some odd details here and there and a couple of charts. I just love these old kits!

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3  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. Can't beat Monogram! Hope your improvements can be seen.The wood looks real good!

  2. I agree with minimal detailing for something ultimately hidden from sight, but what you've done looks great! And I agree with Bernie...those "old" Monogram kits still hold their own for my money. A toast to Monogram then (hic). 🙂

  3. Next up I plan on doing a dual build. Monogram's Lil Coffin and Red Baron show rods. Got one up here at Skyway Models and the other off ebay!

  4. Excellent, Rob! The wood looks perfect! As you said, I (we) love those old Monogram kits. They're great. I think some of the smartest things they did was to (in no particular order) hire outstanding engineers & mould makers and hire Shep Paine to showcase their products. That's pretty hard to beat! I'll toast with Craig! Hic! - hic!

  5. Really excellent, You need a 'visible' fuselage to install them in. Love the Indy glass.

  6. Hoegaarden! ,finally a pint I recognise ,I prefer a traditional bitter usualy but can always be tempted to a pint of Hoegaarden when I find it on draught ,bit pricey though, nice work on the B17 by the way.

  7. Get the Squadron/Falcon B-17 vacuform nose and canopy glass. You'll be able to see in the nose, and can cut the side windows from the canopy and slide them back, allowing a viewer to see all this really nice work.

  8. nice start

  9. Hi Tom I tried ordering the two sets the other day, the darned Squadron site kept saying the page wouldn't load! I shall give it another go though!

  10. does look a little wooden. I'm sure a few sips of that Belgian will loosen things up. Any idea on the specific's of this model like the nose art?

    I'm floored by the wood. A realistic job and keeping in scale too.

  11. I think I will do a Shep Paine treatment and pick a bomb group and squadron and do a whiffer with my own nose art. Still can't decide on NMF or OD. It will have the unusual combination of non staggered waist guns and a Cheyenne (pumpkin) tail turret. There are actually several pictures of birds like this, the theory being the turret was retro fitted in England. Not sure how true that is, but the pictures exist so it will be a bit unique in that way/

  12. coming along swimmingly!

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