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Chuck A. Villanueva
129 articles

Academy 1/48th Lockheed P-38E Lightning, USAAC,343rd FG,54th FS,Aleutian Island Campaign June 1942

The P-38E with the 54th Fighter Squadron actually appeared a little later in the campaign in the harsh Alaskan environment. Operating out of Elmendorf Field some units detached and forward deployed at Ft Randall. The 54th was the only unit to operate the P-38. The P-39 was found to be ill suited for the Aleutian environment were soon withdrawn back to the states in December 1942. The rest of the units flew the P-40, but due to it's long range, the P-38 was the fighter of choice. Conducting ground attacks and reconnaissance missions as well as air combat. A video of this P-38E landing.
The conditions as you can see not for the meek.
This is the 2nd Academy Lightning I have built, and it was actually pretty straight forward and didn't encounter any tough challenges through out the building process. It actually went together quite rapidly. I used Eduards cockpit set which is for the Hasegawa "F" Lightning kit, but worked well on the Academy. I cannot compare the Hase kit as I have never built one or looked at the contents. Though some say it is a little labor intensive I cannot say. I just know the Academy has it's moments but nothing really stands out. Then I personally don't really look for difficulties in any kit even known ones from reviews. To me the fun part is assembling the bits and pieces to a nice replica of a P-38. Which this is. The kit is of an Aleutian P-38 that the decals provide. It is the only "E" variant in this scale. Eduards has an "E" but it is the Academy kit reboxed with all the AM stuff to enhance it. I want to thank Frank Cronin for providing me with the Aeromaster Decal set #48-058 for the Aleutian Lightning, using the first scheme for side number 91. Lifecolor faded Olive Drab over Tamiya Neutral Grey. Testors Interior Green. And Master for the Gun Barrels.
The WIP links for those who wish to see the process.

Thanks for viewing.
Fly Navy

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5  Awesome

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22 responses

  1. Now you've done it, I have to pull mine out of the stash and build one. That's a nice looking Lightning Chuck, good job.

  2. Nice build Chuck !, Always an eye catcher when they are build well, such as this. Well done !

  3. Good job, Chuck...I like it.

  4. Chuck, that really turned out well. Nicely done!

  5. Very nice Chuck - well done!

  6. Chuck,
    This was well worth waiting to see in the final form. Excellent piece of work your weathering is just right. You have done the P-38 proud.

  7. Very nice Lightning Chuck. As others have said, your build is making me take another look at a few P-38's that I have in the stash. Awesome job my friend. It really turned out very nice. I like it...

  8. Great job Chuck. I've built the Academy P-38J but now I think I'm going to have to get me one off these too.

    • Thanks Rick, built the Monogram kit many years ago, since have built 2 of these. The "M" and this one. As I mentioned I will look into picking up at least a couple of the Hasegawa kits

  9. Hello Chuck,
    Enjoyed your Lightning.
    Regards, Dirk/The Netherlands.

  10. What a beauty! Great job, Chuck. I LOVE Lightnings!

  11. Man, that's a nice build!

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