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Colin Latta
51 articles

1/48 FW-190D-11, JV 44, “A Wulf in Parrots clothing”

December 16, 2017 · in Aviation · · 20 · 4.2K

This is the Hobbyboss FW-190D-11 in . Its a nice kit, with good engineering and crisp, delicate recessed detail. It requires a little modification to be an accurate D-11 (mis-located wing guns, no upper or lower wing bulges, upper gun cowl bulges needed to be reduced etc.) and a little more detailing in the gear and wheel well area's, but the fit is very nice (almost no putty was sacrificed in the making of this model), and the outline accurate.

As this D-11 had been re-manufactured from an A-8, it retained the mid-war color scheme, and the non-blown canopy.

  • The photo of the real aircraft is a D-9, not this D-11, but it shows the color scheme well and is an interesting picture.

Its finished using "Experten" decals and Tamiya acrylics. Weathering is pastels, and oil paints.

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16  Awesome

11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

20 responses

  1. Good looking wolf.

  2. Beautifully done, Colin. That type of underside paint is VERY interesting and you've done it very well. I assume they painted the undersides for identification purposes, likely so their own flak gunners wouldn't mistake them for Allied planes. Did they do this to any other Axis aircraft? I've only seen it on FW190's.

    Well done!

    • I'm assuming it was for ID as well, Jeff - sorta like the yellow cowling on some of the Luftwaffe's other birds (I've never seen the red/white underside scheme on anything but -190's, either).

    • Thanks. "Parrot flight" was the airfield defence flight to cover the JV-44 ME-262's as they took off and landed. This red and white scheme was specific to the few aircraft of that flight. The rest of the flight were D-9's and were painted in the late war greens, but red 4 was a re-manufactured D-11, that came from a flight leaders school (hence the faded <58 markings under the red 4) and remained painted in the mid war grey-green.

  3. Nice lookin' Dora, Colin...I like it.

  4. Outstanding, especially the underside paint scheme and the cockpit detail.

  5. Just a great scheme - and really well done - subtle stuff with the overpainted numbers. The underside - and its weathering look spot on!

  6. This is an outstanding rendition of arguably the nicest markings applied to any 190 Dora! Weathering looks great!

  7. Nice work, Colin, thanks for the info about the prototype and the build.

  8. Well done Colin, unusual scheme to say the least but you captured very well.I like it.

  9. Nice finishes, Colin. You’ve even allowed weathering variation to the stripes.

  10. Looks very good... I like anything with a 190 in it... You captured the look rather well...

  11. The Papagei Staffel! Very well done!
    I'm actually about to start this one in 1/72th. thank you for your info

    • I sometimes imagine that this provocative scheme is just for draw enemy's attention from me262, for thier mission to protect them (that few me262 of Adolf Galland may be their last hope desperately..)

      • I think the message to the AA gunners was "kill anything around the jets that isn't red!"
        I like the translations of the personal markings on these aircraft - this one was "The next man, the same woman"

  12. Thanks for the comments, everybody! It's always fun to show off your work, and this is a great forum to share ideas and info.
    Wishing everyone here Happy Holidays,

  13. Excellent work! I may have to get around to a Dora in that funky scheme sometime - definitely will stand out in the cabinet!

  14. Marvelous Mottling! You have a great relationship with your airbrush.

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