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(..yet another) Porsche - 911 GT1

December 6, 2017 · in Automotive · · 18 · 3.2K

Not too much to say. I bought the kit from a UK seller on eBay - because the box was worn & scuffed, it was a steal even with the postage down here to Middle Earth.

It arrived on a Monday and by the Wednesday I was deep in to the build and enjoying it immensely.

Everything fits precisely and even the complicated decals which so easily could have been a nightmare went-on without any fuss whatsoever. The powerplant and transmission could easily be a kit in their own right, such a shame that so little can be seen after fitting in/on to the rolling chassis.

Already got the new Revell 934 on my Christmas list and Fujimi GT3R is on it's way from Amazon... think I'm developing an obsession, wouldn't you say ?


Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

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18 responses

  1. These Tamiya kits are great and your detail work on the engine/transmission definitely deserves showing off.

  2. Nicely done George! Fun to build no doubt, but to drive one would indeed be sublime!

  3. Looks great! nice obsession.

  4. Nice job...I love it!

  5. As George said, nicely done Ian, looks good.

  6. Great build, Ian.
    You cannot have too many 911.
    I notice that we’re getting increasingly more cars and bikes here which is a good thing!

  7. You can't kid me! That's real!

  8. ...not quite, Tom. the engine IS real, I used an Acme Shrink Ray on it, the rest is what came in the box !


  9. I need one of those Shrink Rays! That would sure help my aging eyes with finishing the interiors of my current projects! LoL!

    Well done, Ian!

  10. Only available by mail-order from Wyle E. Coyote imports, Jeffry !


  11. How amazing is this...! I thought that I was looking at 1:10 RC thing

  12. Really nice.

  13. Very sharply done! Agree it's a shame that all that engine detail disappears under the boot!

  14. We can never have too many... Really cool build!

  15. A very good job of a very good looking car! Well done!

  16. One thing I really admire, when I see good car models like this one, si the decalwork. It can make or break a project and you really succeded on this one. Hat off!

  17. Really good job !

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