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Mitsubishi-A6M5-ZeroTamiya 1/32

October 17, 2018 · in Aviation · · 16 · 3.6K

Vintage kit from which was sleeping for about 15 years in my basement.

After some days sick at home I have decided to restart building models. Wow what a great feeling to redo something with my hands.

I used Tamiya lacquers, dry brushing with enamel silver color and then oils for the weathering.

Had some issues with the old decals. They became hard and fragile. Anyway who has no problems with decals :-P.

At the end I made from scratch a basic tarmac made from wood and plaster.

Great pleasure to build this large model.

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

17 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. Alex, you’ve certainly caught the character of this iconic aircraft. I’ve also built this model, and enjoyed it immensely.

    Very nice work.

  2. Wow, this is one batterd war weary Zero. Very impressive, heavy yet balanced. You mention this kit is a vintage? I wasn’t aware Tamiya-san had a 1/32 Zero besides the current boxes

  3. This is a beautiful rendition of the A6M Zero. Nice Job!

  4. Great looking Zero!

  5. .

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  6. One of the best kits out there...and your build just goes to show it! Beautiful work.

  7. Looks very real. All the detailing is well executed right down to the tires.

  8. Superb Zero, Alex! I'd give another thumbs up but since Maarten did it so well, I'll just "agree" to his.

  9. Great model...for a guy who decided to start building sure caught up quickly and passed me on the way!

  10. Your ZERO is gorgeous! What a great job all around! Love the weathering and nice detail painting. Its hard to think of this kit as vintage b/c in so many ways it is cutting edge to me. But you are right...its many years old so I guess it qualifies as vintage. I can remember like it was yesterday purchasing this kit. I then sold it b/c was not up to it. Then someone commissioned me to build one so finally did. What a nice fitting kit except those damn landing gear legs...aggg!

    I also ended up using after-market decals for markings. Here is a picture of mine. They could be squadron mates.

    5 attached images. Click to enlarge.

    • You are right, Paul - these two could be side by side on a Pacific Atol.

    • Many thanks Paul for your comment. Your version of this model is superb. I really like it and in particular the chipping on the wing edges plus on the engine cover. I spent quite a long time to find the correct color for the fuselage & wings. On some versions the green is more a light grey and on others almost a dark green. Looks like we found the same compromise 😉

  11. Alex - love your Zero! Beautiful weathering and detail work.

  12. Many thanks all for your encouraging comments.
    Merci beaucoup 🙂

  13. a great work of weathering

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