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Josef Rössner
69 articles

Su-7 Egyptian Air Force 1/48 Kopro

December 27, 2018 · in Aviation · · 8 · 3.6K

I liked this camouflage schema and i wanted this bird on my collection 🙂

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

8 responses

  1. Well done, Josef. That's a very nice Sukhoi!

  2. Beautiful model! Excellent Egyptian Sukhoi!

  3. Nice addition to your collection Josef. I like it.

  4. The old Su-7 was also used in Afghanistan, where I saw several located in the Western province of Herat. These old planes are in boneyards, as well as being used as gate guards. I was impressed at how large these aircraft are.

    You did a good job capturing the impressive nature of this big, old aircraft.

  5. Some great eye candy. Another helping of photos please. These Kopro kits need a little finessing and folks will do a lot of sanding and add PE and some resin to bring the kit up to the level you have done Josef.

    Two thumbs up.

  6. A great looking model. The Egyptian schemes look good on almost any aircraft. Love the paint work and details you put into this.

  7. I like the camouflage as well, it really stands out

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