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Matt Minnichsoffer
38 articles

1:32 Trumpeter P-47D “Wicked Wabbit” – Nose Art Group Build

February 26, 2019 · in Aviation · · 16 · 5.7K

This will be my final addition to the Nose Art Group build. Thanks again to Jaime Carreon @jetmex for heading up this GB and extending the deadline. I hadn't planned on building my “Jug” as part of this build, but things just worked out with the timing. As with most of my builds, I struggled with which version of the bird I wanted to replicate. I really love the look of invasion stripes and was real close to building “Squirt II” but then ran across a World War II documentary titled “Thunderbolt”.

This war department documentary is narrated by Jimmy Stewart and follows the 57th Fighter Group during their operations in the Italian campaign.

I was hooked. I needed to find out more. Which I did, and decided on Lt. James C. "Wabbit" Hare's razorback Thunderbolt P-47D.

The real “Wicked Wabbit”

The 57th didn't need any invasion stripes on their P-47s, but they did have some pretty unique markings which sealed the deal as the bird I wanted to build. To learn more about the 57th,

My Take on the Build

A great deal is out there about this kit—which I enjoyed building. I even built the huge internal supercharger, which you cannot see in the final build, but does add support and weight to the kit. So I figured, what the heck, they put the parts in the kit, let's use them.

You can build the kit without all of this structure, but be careful that the cockpit lines up exact before you glue the fuselage together. Other than that, not much to note about the kit that isn't “Googleable”.

The Finishing

This is the first warbird I've not used my cheap and fast marker method for the panel lines. Not to say I didn't try, but for some reason they didn't behave over the Testors clear. So, I mixed up an acrylic sludge and worked all the panels 1-by-1. Painstaking? Yes, but therapeutic at the same time. Why do we do this?

Also, a first for me was using the Montex decals and masks. Decals went on without issue and were very forgiving to positioning. Also, I really like the look of the painted on roundels vs. decals. So, I'm hooked on this approach to markings. I did add an extra primer layer under the white so I was sure they popped off of the olive drab base coat.

That's about it for my Jug. What a cool and beefy fighter! everything the USA had to give to the war is summed up in this warbird. With that—I give you my take on Lt. James Hare's “Wicked Wabbit”. That's all folks. I look forward to your comments. Keep building!

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

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16 responses

  1. What can I say? That is beautiful work, Matt!

    Thanks for contributing to the group!

  2. Stellar piece of modeling right there, Matt...outstanding work - yes sir!

  3. I wish I had more time right now to build, because nothing gives me the itch like a Razorback jug. Yours is so gorgeous I'm squirming with that itch. Really, really fine work.

  4. Mr Wabbit turned out really well Matt. Really nice P-47, I like it a lot.

  5. Excellent build . Been thinking about building P-47 myself . Looks good.

  6. Very sharp looking with excellent weathering.

  7. She is a beauty, Matt! Excellent weathering and finish work. Love all the details. Well done.

  8. Echoing the others: Excellent P-47, Matt!

  9. Great detail work Matt! She’s a beaut.
    And thanks for adding to my vocabulary - “googleable”!

  10. There’s a few points to make here. First, this is an excellent build, the proof of which is looking at the fidelity between the photo of the real Jug and your model pics.

    Second, the question “why do we do this” has been levelled at this particular model (and the Zoukei Mura kits) in terms of ‘unnecessary internal details. This at the heart of why many of us model. We know the detail is there, we enjoy doing it, and it’s a discipline - one that is really satisfying. It’s also slightly mad.

    Third point, the painstaking approach to the paintwork pays off in spades. Some of this is lost in photos but is really striking when you see a model in person. Again, comparing the model with the real T-bolt shows how -if you really want to nail a model - this is the only way to go.

    Every minute you spent on this shows, Matt.

    Huge respect,


  11. I echo the sentiments so eloquently expressed by David in his posting above !

    Excellent work my friend... I have never seen a P-47 so perfectly built as this one is. It's inspirational... 🙂 In fact I just pulled my Tamiya razorback from the stash because of this posting. Mine is scheduled to be built in the markings of "Hun Hunter XIV" and I think it was from the same unit as yours.

    'liked", and thanks for the inspiration.

    • Gentelmen,
      You are too kind my friends. I am very proud of my "Wicked Wabbit" build, but know that their are modelers out there who would put me to shame. The "Hun Hunter" in any version is a solid addition to the 57th.

  12. Greate work! Firs class weathering and painting.

  13. Matt - My grandfather was the Crew Chief, Vern Coe. He was shown briefly in "Thunderbolt", leaning against a P-47 cowling as planes were landing (or taking off, been a while since I've seen it.) Very impressive work on this model.

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