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Charles King
130 articles

‘Renovation in Progress’ – Module 1

April 26, 2019 · in Diorama · · 25 · 2K

Here is where I am with this 'toy conversion' project so far. The results speak for themselves. It is not complete yet. Still have to add more details to the , add the boom arm, and other details as well as more weathering. This is just to show you all the overall look of the diorama so far.

The container is from an old project which I had used before from a previous diorama. I re-painted and re-weathered it, and made it to look even more delapidated.

I converted a toy scale excavator model(I uploaded a photo of the toy excavator before the transformation) ,for a diorama I was planning. This particular excavator is a model of the Volvo Ew160c model. There are some things that are a bit off, but in general, the overall look of the toy model is pretty similar. I wanted to try and modify it to look like a show piece as buying a similar one(if you can one), is pretty expensive. So I chose a cheaper route. It just meant more modification and scratch building involved.

I will be adding a figure or two and some accessories. I still have to weather the engine. Will post some photos of that next week. Still need to add the boom arm and small other details that will complete the model. Hope you enjoy the photos so far.

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9  Awesome

47 additional images. Click to enlarge.

25 responses

  1. Here is the original toy excavator before transformation. It is suppose to be a copy of the real Volvo Ew160c wheel digger.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  2. Superb!, Mr. King

  3. As usual, a Charles King masterpiece! I am nearly speechless at the quality and realism of ALL your dioramas. This one belongs with the rest of them - superb.

  4. Nope - I'm NOT buying it, and you can't fool me by posting a pic of the toy you "started with!" You took pics of the real thing out behind an industrial park, and are trying to take credit for all that detail work, weathering, foliage work, etc. I'm telling you, I'm just not falling for it ever again - not unless I see you cradling the finished dio in your arms and your 1:1 scale smilin' mug behind it!

  5. i refuse to believe that is a model

  6. Two thumbs up Charles. In Minnesota we have a saying about the state; There are two seasons, winter and construction. Right now I see these things at every corner working at putting in sewer and water, fiber optics and gas lines. Not to mention tying up traffic. At first I was annoyed at your photo looked real enough. Convincing. Keep up the good work Mr. C

  7. Yet another outstanding piece of modeling, sir...words fail me.

  8. Superb. Your eye, and what you see, Charles, is exceptional. As Sherlock would say, many look, but do not ‘see’ - wow, do you ever ‘see’.

    The detail perception and level of observation you demonstrate just fill me with such respect.



  9. I've never seen anything like this. I thought that it just was some pictures from a building site and that didn't make any sense until I realized that it is actually a model!
    Some of the best work I have ever seen.

  10. You could completely convince me this is 1:1 reality. The attention to detail in the smallest things is just incredible. I look at your masterpieces and say to myself "We're not worthy! We're not worthy!" Just... WOW.

  11. Tom Cleaver, hahaaa! Yes! You are definitely worthy! Thanks buddy.

  12. I can’t tell if this a diorama or if you have just posted some photos of a building site!
    Impressive stuff mate!

  13. Charles, I can't add much to what's been said. This like your other work is exceptional. Right now, as someone looking for a bit of inspiration, I can't tell you how impressive this is. Well done, and roll on whatever comes next!

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