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Valter vaudagna
49 articles

F-84F Thunderstreak, 1/48 Scale, Monogram kit

May 13, 2019 · in Aviation · · 10 · 2.8K

6- 26 code 6° aerobrigata ...RED DEVILS ...Brescia ( GHEDI) aerobase Aeronautica Militare Italiana ...

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10  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. Seems really good! tell us more about the kit and the building!
    Don't you have some more photos? from underside?

  2. Still can't beat those "old" Monogram kits...a lotta bang for the buck. 🙂

  3. Loooks great!

  4. Great looking model! The NMF and paint work look excellent.

  5. Did the Red Devils ever display with the RATO pack like the Blue Angels /c-130 Fat Albert did? It's pretty much a tie between this and the B-29 for my favorite Monogram kit. I like the little details on this one. Raised spoilers, perforated speed brakes and the helmet on the canopy sill. Great job!

  6. 🙂 … Greetings … 🙂 :
    It has been awhile since I last saw a F-84 model … and this one really makes up for all that time..
    For starters … Monogram … no matter how time flies by … they still look good and worth every cent. The small but noticeable details like for example , the helmet, and the metal sheen as well as the markings really makes this one stand out … and then the display grounds, nicely done over all, very nice work Valter.

  7. Hi Valter,
    Like mentioned above: "Monogram made great models". Always good to see them still popping up.
    Looking at this one, I think the panel lines have been opened up. As you all know, Monogram Century Models had all recessed panel lines.
    The model is constructed and painted very professional. A joy to study.
    Regards, Dirk

  8. Hello Valter, You seem to have the perfect touch for accenting panel lines. Not too heavy but just right. Would you consider explaining your method?
    Best regards,

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