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Boris Grgić
42 articles


August 14, 2019 · in Diorama · · 18 · 5.4K

First in many ways; this is my first scale, first time I'm dealing with figures, first ... Anyway, after nine months work glad to say it found it's place im my home. I probably spent more time waiting for ordered material and figures than actually working on project. It's special force extraction, let's say soldiers are Delta Force, though loadout is not really accurate.

I used 's and Yufan special force figures. For diorama itself I used whatever I cold find; styrofoam, acrylic gel, medical cotton, toothpicks, matches... The hole thing started because I wanted to try to paint figures, so I didn't pay too much attention to helicopter model.

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5  Awesome

21 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. Wow, serious size on that one!

    Figures look fabulous. Like the movement and action going on everywhere. The guy jumping over the wall is awesome. Things to look at all around. Maybe a bit more dust on chopper and a bit less shiny? Looks way to new and too unused now (don´t forget the tires get dirty too). Some modulated colours of the ground work could help a bit as well as the building and other structures. Need a bit of shading and dirt around beams and along the ground. Like how you tried to replicate dust whirling. The photo shot through the tree is really good. Only thing not moving is the main rotor, a bit of a pity.

    • Size is 80x45cm, which was a problem for photoshoot, I just could not get detailed pics of whole diorama. Size was also a reason I couldn't make main rotor blur effect, would need thicker plastic with poor transparency to hold shape.

      I agree with all your remarks. This thing was collecting dust in my garage for past nine months and every time I'd continue work I'd have to clean it all, so I decided to close it in glass and display it in my home. Sometime in the future I'll have to continue work on Blackhawk. That is the reason model is shiny, currently is sealed only with gloss varnish, waiting for some more weathering. Don't want to overdo with dust since it's supposed to be helicopter in motion, and moving rotor would wind off most of the dust and sand.

  2. Well, this is a super quality first effort. I especially like photo #9. VERY well done, Sir!

  3. Turned out pretty well, Jeff said - great effort (the figures are great) 🙂

  4. brilliant and the figures are marvelous

  5. great action shot - very dynamic! Looking forward to seeing more of your work!

  6. Nice action diorama! I think you've got the hang of the figures now!

  7. Very nice and vivid diorama, the house came out very well too, what materials did you use Boris?

    • Thank you Michel. I used whatever I could find in general stores (no specialized model stores where I live). Mostly styrofoam, skimming compound, plastic sheets, acrylic gel, cosmetic cotton, house doors and windows are made of matchsticks...

      4 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  8. The figures are very good - they really portray a moment of high tension and danger, the way they are posed and where they are relative to each other.

    • The figures are the reason I started all this. I came acros these Yufan figures and it seemed to me that every figure points at situation and place next figure should be placed. I could really imagine this diorama just by looking at figures. I'm just sorry that shown pictures are from various stages of build (especially close-up photos) so there's always at least one figure missing (pic 9 missing the guy that jumps over the wall and the guy in front of heli - pic 13, most pictures missing house windows etc.).

  9. I'm with Jeff. Photo 9 really captures the feel of the diorama. Really good job on all the various parts. When I saw all the components I thought the diorama would take up more space than it does.

  10. Outstanding work.

  11. Very cool. Great job.

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