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Michael Drover
23 articles

An OD Mustang1/48 Rovin' Rhoda

August 30, 2020 · in Aviation · · 22 · 2.2K

Hi all.

A Sunday arvo session done and a model is complete. This is the 1/48th P-51D . I wanted a non-silver finished Mustang so I grabbed the OD/NG Rovin' Rhoda/4 Bolts scheme from my Mustang. There's lots of variation in the colour achieved using lots of thin, layered greens and greys and everything in between. The exhausts, props and spinner are courtesy of Eduard. I need to source some long rang tanks as the kit ones are pretty c**p. I'm really happy to have this one finished, dare I say my favourite for the year?! Almost forgot, I painted the nose checkers ans spinner to match ..never again!

I had a lot of fun with this one.


Some info, the aircraft was flown by Lt. Irvine Snedecker during April 1945. The aircraft was with the 364th FS, 357th FG, 8th AF at Leiston.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

22 responses

  1. Awesome work on this build, looks great, nice work on the nose check and spinner.

  2. Nice work, love the variation in color you achieved on the olive drab. It makes the plain OD much more interesting. Very nice work!

  3. πŸ™‚ ... Greetings ... πŸ™‚ :
    Nice work on the OD scheme, this seems to give this model some character. The work on the spinner and checks turned out fine, your effort paid off ... I don't see no signs not to do this again as long as you are enjoying the hobby and having fun. All the more skills to learn and dominate is always a welcomed factor.

  4. Nice job, with the Eduard loans, Michael, and exceptional color variation!

  5. Very nice build, Michael.
    This variation in colors really pays of.

  6. Nicely done Michael, you're a braver man than me to attempt the checkerd nose. Well done.

  7. Awfully nice Mustang. Can't see why not to do some more checkered P-51s, looks great. All effort paid off. Love the OD job.

  8. Well done Michael, it’s a solid build With a beautiful OD finish. I had a laugh with your final remark about the nose and checkers you painted, the headache and cursing paid off because it’s spot on

    • Thanks Pedro. It was annoying to place the Eduard checkered decal only to realise that it wasn't going to conform to the shape of the Airfix kit. It was out with the straight edge and a sharp blade! There were a few moments of cursing but it worked out.

  9. A Goldilocks build with no runs, no drips and no errors. Nothing over stated with a subtle finish that represents the real bird.

    Two thumbs up Michael, on your command performance.

  10. Love the finish you achieved on this! I'm going to have to give this treatment a go soon on an OD bird. Looks like you used salt weathering on the prop(?). And the checker/nose painting really paid off. Just a great, eye-pleasing model!

    • G'day Greg. No salt technique here. The spatter pattern on the prop was achieved with thin oil paints flicked fro teh brush with a toothpick. A few different mixes got me the pattern that you see. It's a lot faster that the salt method. Great to hear you like it too.

  11. Looks great, the paint work stands out.

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