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Bob Torres
74 articles

FROG 1/72 Mitchell Mk. II/ B-25D

March 22, 2021 · in Aviation · · 13 · 3K

This is my second build after my 30 years of not building a kit. It is a B-25D . This boxing dates back from 1965-1966. Now to be honest, this is one kit I've been wanting to build since I first saw it back in the mid to late 70's. The cockpit and bombardier area are all scratched built, I reworked the cowlings and both carburetor inlets, vertical stab and rudder needed their area to be increased and reworked the nose gear. The final week became more damage control but it turned out fine. The main thing was to enjoy the build and that it did!


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14  Awesome

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13 responses

  1. That turned out well. I never knew Frog did a B-25.

  2. Lotsa work there, good result and a great save of this old kit.

    It almost lookslike the new Airfix. 🙂

  3. Great work, Bob, especially on the scratch build part.
    You turned this oldie into a nice detailed build.

  4. Nothing better than to see an old, classic kit built in such excellence and with those improvements, Bob.

  5. Wow, I don't even know when I last saw a FROG kit built. Nice old school build in a good way. Bring back memories!

  6. Old school modelling . I love it. That’s all I can engage in , is to get old kits I always wanted to do years ago.
    Well done

  7. WOW...a FROG. Nice work on aging plastic.

    "Frog"...takes me back to long once-a-month Sat. a.m. trips from Stamford, CT to the Squadron Shop on Long Island, NY where the store was rather swamped with guys attacking the full shelves of goodies, including Frogs in 1/72 for about $5. Good memories of a bag-full of kits for about $30.

    • Bob, I have visited the Philadelphia PA Squadron Shop in 1974 before they closed, picked up a lot of the FROG and Airfix kits. Then around 1982 I got to visit the one in Maryland near D.C. before they closed that one too. Great shops, I even order kits from them way back then too. Too bad they recently closed down. I think the one in Maryland is when I saw the FROG B-25 build displayed. I always wished I was able to visit them more when they were open.

  8. Great work on this old kit! You really gave it life again.

  9. Frog kits bring back great memories, definitely liked.

  10. Guys, thank you. Last year I built 5 Frog kits and I am currently working on one right now. I am enjoying building these old kits, they do bring back those old memories from back then. I will post more later on, thanks again.

  11. I've done some minor reshaping tweaks in my day but nothing like this. Wow. This is some beautiful workmanship.

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