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Bf-110G-2 ZG1, "Skeletal Hand" Revell 1/48th Scale

May 10, 2021 · in Aviation · · 24 · 2.5K

I have always liked the Bf-110, it just has very pleasing lines to me. While it proved a general failure as a heavy escort, it still proved to be a formidable foe in other roles. I have built this kit before under a different boxing, and have yet one more in my stash that I may get too. This kit was one of those troubled kits from the start.

I know of some of its shape issues, as well as landing gear and some other items. Still it is a good looking kit, with nice detail and usually decent fit. This boxing though was one those that had warpage issues that was written up when the kits were new. This one both wings were warped, the fuselage was warped and twisted. I used hot water to take care of as much of it as I could, but even then that caused other issues.

The canopy offered its own challenges with very soft detail for the framework. Plus, I didn't have masks, I was masking it myself. I used a combination of Parafilm, Tamiya Tape and Pinstripe Tape. Only to have glue wick in under an overlap in one location.

So its done, not a show winner but great markings of a Bf-110 from 1943.

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26  Awesome

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24 responses

  1. Walt, @luftwaffe-birdman
    This turned out magnificently ! I also pressed the "liked" button. This paint scheme, along with the 110 that had the big wasp painted on the nose are among my favorites.

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      Walt said on May 10, 2021

      Thanks Louis, @lgardner, I appreciate the high praise. I really was excited by the markings, and yes the Wespen is another of my favorites also. I also enjoy the sharks mouth which seems to work well with the Bf-110 also.

  2. Ya coulda fooled me @luftwaffe-birdman! Looks good.

    I once did one of these with the expensive Cutting Edge "corrections" and when I got done and set it next to an OOB Monogram 110 model, I couldn't see the difference - other than one was far more expensive than the other.

  3. Well-done, Walt. Fit and finish...all good.

  4. Sharp looking 110 Walt. Really like the markings.

  5. An amazing result, Walt @luftwaffe-birdman
    It was a pleasure to follow your progress in the WIP build.
    The skeleton scheme turned out wonderful.

  6. May not be a “show winner” to you, but it sure is to me Walt. The wood planking really makes it and that 110 looks just right parked on top. Your airbrush and detailing skills really shine here!

  7. Very cool Walt. I have never seen the hands on the nacelles before

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      Walt said on May 10, 2021

      Thanks George, @blackadder57, I am not sure it if it is 100% accurate but the kit decals included them. The aftermarket decals (Cutting Edge #48046, Bf 110G Part 2) only included that hands on the nose. Right or Wrong there was no way I was going to pass up the chance to put the decals on the nacelles. I think they really add something to the overall look and menacing nature of the markings in general.

      • Interesting Walt @luftwaffe-birdman . Just going through my 110 books and I find three photos are what are said to be your aircraft but it gives the unit as Stab/NaGr 1. One photo shows the markings on the fuselage as ✙VB, the wing obstructing the first parts of the codes

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          Walt said on May 10, 2021

          George, @blackadder57, I have found different pictures, some showing the Q1+VB all in large letter markings and some showing it with the Q1 being of the smaller lettering. I have also not seen any pictures showing the tops of the wings, so I can neither confirm or deny the presence of the fingers on the nacelle. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to use the decals!

  8. Congrtulations Walt @luftwaffe-birdman! This is a truly wonderful build! Love the skeletal hand scheme!
    I had the pleasure to follow along your build; thanks for sharing all your techniques.

  9. Smart work, Walt... very nice presentation of this kit, and eye-catching markings into the bargain.



  10. Great work on the venerable but good Monogram/Revell 110 G, you are a braver man than me, I couldn’t start mine ever since I bought the kit, long ago. Beautiful finish with one of the best markings ever. Congrats!

  11. Great build and even better markings.

  12. Well done Walt, damn good looking 110 G.

  13. Walt, you've done an outstanding job with that old stager! It looks so nice in the box, and is so difficult to build correctly. You've nailed it, Sir!


  14. Great result, Walt. After your long struggle, one would never guess you had warpage issues or anything else to deal with. As far as nacelle shape goes, I agree with Tom that all that is overblown. You have done very fine airbrushing on the mottle and painting and weathering in general are top notch. These are some of the most interesting markings for the 110 I have seen - even the tricolor spinners are unique-looking.

  15. Love it! I also like the 110 a lot - perhaps because one of my early grade-school builds of the 110 was fondly remembered as one of my favorite models - but I also fine it an elegant aircraft. I'm about to start an old Revell kit, and would probably build several of them, but masking that canopy...

    You're paint work and weathering look fantastic. Well done!

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      Walt said on May 10, 2021

      Thanks Greg, @gkittinger. After doing this canopy and knowing my next build had an even more complex canopy I purchased mask sets. I have used them before and they make life incredibly easier, I also recieved my Kapton tape yesterday to give that a try on the P-61 I am building.

      The Monogram/Revell Bf-110 kit is not bad, especially if yours is not one of the warped ones, with generally decent fit, if you take your time. Good Luck with yours!

      • Mine are all 1/72 builds, and for older kits, it's hard to find mask sets very often, though I am a BIG BELIEVER of them, especially when big greenhouse of full glass nose type needs!

  16. Really nice, Walt! An admirable, subtle look to her.

  17. It's fantastic!

  18. Very nice work, it looks amazing!

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