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John Healy
165 articles

1/144 DC-9-33FSAS 75th Anniversary Group Build.

November 16, 2021 · in Aviation · · 16 · 1.4K

This is an original issue kit from 1973. I picked it up at a show back in 2017 for $4 US. I dabble in airliners and Douglas products are my favorites. It's not a bad kit 50 years later. It's only real failing is that the fuselage is round, not the correct double bubble shape. The group build gave me a perfect excuse to build it. I purchased a Lima November sheet for Norwegian registered SAS /MD-80s and chose the rarely seen freighter version. SAS operated two of these between the late 1960s and early 1990s.

I built the kit pretty much from the box. I only added new blade antennas and nose gear doors from plastic card. Paints are Tamiya spray bomb white and silver leaf. Detail paints are Humbrol and Floquil enamels. I also used Liveries Unlimited coroguard decals for the inspar sections on the wings.

Thanks for looking and happy modeling!

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

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16 responses

  1. This is an exceptionally well build airliner, John @j-healy
    Incredible on how you made all those windows disappear.
    Perfect in all areas.
    It was a pleasure to follow your thread.

  2. Great job John, a really nice looking build. The decals and overall finish is spot on!

  3. Nice n clean looking cargo jet John. The white paint looks perfect. Great job eliminating those windows. Glad you posted a photo holding it in your hand to give us a perspective of the model’s size.

  4. Came out really amazing, John!
    What a great result! For some reason I used to overlook airliners: how wrong I was!
    Your build thread was also a joy to follow.

    • Thanks, Spiros. I’ve always liked airliners. I grew up next to O’Hare in Chicago and worked there for many years. I honestly miss the first generation jets. They had some character.

  5. Nice save on this old chestnut. A great result.

  6. Excellent build of an old kit! Looks really nice, and it is definitely a rare type.

  7. Great looking DC-9! You could tell one type of plane from another back then.
    My last navy reserve unit flew the [D]C-9.

    • Thanks, Robert. I loved the DC-9. I flew on Delta’s regularly years ago, usually from Atlanta to Pensacola while traveling between Chicago and Alabama. Airborne Express flew their cargo -32s into O’Hare a lot when I worked there. They got every penny out of those planes, LOL.

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