Found this kit at a yard sale intact and way cheap! older kit, but as all Tamiya's went together extremely well. Had to buy new decals, the kits decals were faded and cracked.
Very well done, Jon (@jonklytle), especially the metal finish. Tamiya kits are always a pleasure to build, especially when you get a bargain find at a garage sale.
Nice work. You don’t see those very often anymore. I thought it was a nice kit.
Very well done, Jon (@jonklytle), especially the metal finish. Tamiya kits are always a pleasure to build, especially when you get a bargain find at a garage sale.
Nice build - looks great!
Nice result. The engine looks really good.
That looks excellent. Very impressive finish. Good job all around.
Nice job on this Jon, I built the same kit and guess what ? my decals fell to bits as well...
Very nice build, Jon @jonklytle
Great detailing.
Well done Jon, looks great!
Beautiful build!
That's a really great looking MiG Jon! Nice work indeed sir. ?
Excellent result, Jon!
Very nice work on this model Jon !
Good work on the engine.