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Christina Swank
12 articles

Revell's 1/48 B-25J Mitchell "Jaunty Jo"

February 28, 2022 · in Aviation · · 17 · 2.5K

This kit was a bit of a bear. Not surprising considering they are still using the mold from 1977. I had several fights with the seams, including the fuselage seams popping in places. I don't know if the plastic was just being impervious to Tamiya extra thin, or maybe a bad batch of the glue. I landed up using what I call the "Mac Daddy" super glue I have. The kind of stuff where you have to keep the container across the bench, so the fumes can't get in your eyes or they'll burn and water instantly. I did make one mistake, and that is the placement of the nose art decal. I had temporarily glued on the nose glass, so it got painted with plane, and I didn't have to mask guns. Well I totally forgot I had to pull it back off until I went to place the "" decal. So rather than split the decal, I just positioned it down a bit further. Oh well. Right about 50 hours into this one. Mostly Model Master paints used, Tamiya weathering powders, acrylic oils for oil and hydraulic leaks. Hard to tell from the pics, but I rescribed all the panel lines, and added rivets, one by one. Finally picked up a pounce wheel. I have to try it out. No aftermarket goodies of any kind, built straight out of the box. Included a few interior shots from during the build.

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24  Awesome

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17 responses

  1. That old kit still does well. With the extra dollops of skill and talent you brought to the battle, @keyda1981

  2. Looks really good, excellent job. I like the interior work detail you did also, all the work was certainly worth all the time you put in.

  3. This model is superb! Great job on an old classic. Thanks for posting it.

  4. Well done Christina! Superb result in this old mold!

  5. Lots of nice variation in the paint job, beautiful result!

  6. Well your struggles were not in vain, you ended up with a great looking build. Those old Monogram B-25's build up to make a nice representation of a great plane. You achieved a nice variation in color on the OD, it looks great.

  7. Excellent result on this oldie, Christina @keyda1981
    Those 50 hours are well used.

  8. The old Monogram bombers can put up a fight. But, as you have achieved here, stunning results can be had. Thanks for sharing!

  9. The Monogram Classic holds up well to most Uber kits. Is affordable, (imagine how much a new release would cost with the same detail) and the molds have been ridden hard and hung out wet for so long its amazing how well they have held up to the test of time. I never met a Monogram
    B-25 I didn't like.

    Two thumbs up Christina.

  10. I really like this build, great job!

  11. Your hard work and persistence paid off. Well done, Christina. @keyda1981

  12. I'm building the same kit right now- yours looks great! My experience with the kit has led me to consider buying stock in sanding sticks and Vallejo putty. . . .so much sanding. . . .

  13. What a great result @keyda1981! ? You've really made that venerable old classic look fine Christina. I've had that same kit for many years, thanks for the inspiration to get it going soon!

  14. Interior looks really good!

  15. Looks very Jaunty, nice job on it.

  16. Great job. Tackled this too and you've nailed it good

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